
Feb 14, 2009 14:45

WHAT: Valentine's Sweetheart Dance
WHERE: The Jazz Club
WHEN: 8pm-whenever people stumble home

Here it is folks. The big dance at the jazz club. Remember, 40's dress is optional, but not required. And if your character doesn't have a date to the dance, that's okay! Everyone is welcome.

The club is set up to look like an old fashioned ( Read more... )

ian delaney, clarice ferguson, ianto jones, lily potter, harry potter, *status-complete, lee 'apollo' adama, severus snape, mal reynolds, edward pellew, zak adama, dr. horrible, jack harkness, laura roslin, barney stinson, chuck bartowski, !party, robin scherbotsky, river tam, chloe sullivan, william 'husker' adama, lulu spencer, saffron, kaylee frye, delirium, owen harper, moira byrne

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Comments 464

Around 8:15 drhorriblesblog February 15 2009, 02:30:39 UTC
Alone in the men's restroom, Billy began to come around. He blinked at the ceiling, waiting for it to come into focus and trying to figure out why he felt like he'd been drugged. Struggling to his feet, he stumbled out of the stall and caught himself on the edge of the sink. Had the werewolf's friends tracked him down looking for revenge?

Then he caught sight of himself in the mirror and immediately disregarded that idea. Unless someone could present him with a viable reason why angry, vengeful friends would dress him in a vintage suit and abandon him in a public bathroom ( ... )


Re: Around 8:15 kaylee_firefly February 15 2009, 02:39:06 UTC
Kaylee smoothed out the skirt of her dress for what felt like the millionth time, as she nervously waited for Billy to appear. Barney really hadn't told her much- only that Billy would be here. Jayne had been roped in as sort of a guard- he was supposed to make sure that Billy didn't leave.

Scanning the room again, Kaylee's heart skipped a beat as she saw Billy, looking around dazedly. She was sure it was him- he was wearing the same clothes that Barney had been when he'd picked her up, but it was that indefinable something that told her it was Billy.

Or, perhaps, just the confused look on his face.

Biting her lip and working up her courage, Kaylee walked towards him.

"Hi, Billy," she said, her voice only just loud enough to be heard over the music.


Re: Around 8:15 drhorriblesblog February 15 2009, 02:55:40 UTC
Billy was far less attentive than he normally was. Maybe it was the last lingering traces of whatever he'd been given in his system, not letting him process all this as quickly as he should. But when a familiar (longed for? dreaded?) voice spoke up just a few feet away, he gasped and wheeled around, heart pounding as if she'd shouted in his ear.

Several seconds dragged by as he gaped, eyes wide as saucers. Was he awake? He didn't feel totally awake. Maybe he was dreaming. Still drugged. Hallucinating. And not about to have the confrontation he'd been dodging for a month.

"K-kaylee..." he stammered, and then didn't know where to go from there. She looked, he realized with a sinking feeling, every bit as beautiful as ever. All cleaned up and dressed like a princess; it reminded him, with a sharp stab, of New Years and what it had felt like to hold her. To tell her how he...

He wrenched his eyes away, looking frantically for a way out of this.


Re: Around 8:15 kaylee_firefly February 15 2009, 03:07:58 UTC
Fortunately (well, sometimes unfortunately) River had given Kaylee plenty of practice in approaching someone who was a little bit confused about what was going on. He looked completely shocked to see her, and she was not at all surprised when he looked away, though that didn't make it hurt any less.

"Are you alright?" She asked, still concerned over Barney's 'plan'. "Nobody really explained how you was going to get here. I still can't even really believe that you are here," Kaylee said, her nervousness at seeing Billy again causing her to chatter on a little bit.


8:30 pm teapot_jones February 15 2009, 02:50:20 UTC
Ianto had decided to go all out in a tux, again, though this time it was with a white coat and a red red rose in his lapel. All in an appropriate 1940's cut, of course. Another rose sat in a plastic box in his hands as he sailed through the door.

Ianto paused only long enough to check his coat at the coat check before trailing in, blue eyes flicking about with obvious enjoyment. Ladies in dresses, gents in suits, all of them drifting by, singularly or together. Occasionally, Ianto paused to chat with someone he knew from the cafe, or from about town in his quest to actually get to the bar. He figured that was a good place to start.

And as he mingled and drifted, he held the plastic box close, to keep it from being crushed.


Re: 8:30 pm flexible_jack February 15 2009, 03:31:20 UTC
At that point, Jack was behind the counter, slinging drinks for the people who were already gathered there. He was flirting, entertaining patrons with silly little tricks. Jack was in his element. When he spotted Ianto, Jack eased his way past the other bartenders. He stepped through the pass through and wove through the crowd at the bar to the young Welshman.

"Mr. Jones, I presume?" He couldn't keep the cheesy grin off his face.


Re: 8:30 pm teapot_jones February 15 2009, 05:07:02 UTC
There wasn't exactly any place to pin a rose on Jack's get up, but it didn't stop Ianto from openly admiring it with a breathy little 'Oooh'. This was one outfit Jack needed to keep. He reached out a hand and smoothed down Jack's tie briefly before wrapping his fingers around it and pulling Jack in close for a snog.

It was Valentine's after all.

Afterwards, he smoothed Jack's tie free from creases and held up the flower. "Maybe I can pin it to your braces?"


Re: 8:30 pm flexible_jack February 15 2009, 15:31:27 UTC
Jack allowed himself to be pulled into the kiss, lingering within it for a few moments that stretched before them. When the kiss broke, he let his forehead rest against Ianto's.

Valentine's really had never been his thing. It was an outdated holiday that eventually drifted to the wayside by his time. But, there were still people who celebrated it out of nostalgia.

"I think that would be the best place for you to put it." Jack settled both hands on Ianto's hips. As if he was going to be running away from him sometime soon.


8:00pm lulu8889 February 15 2009, 03:22:31 UTC
Zak had headed over to pick up Moira at eight and the two of them had insisted that Lulu and Clarice join them on the way over.

Wisely, Moira wore a coat from the time Zak had arrived, so he hadn't seen her in her dress yet. He could however see her completely pulled back hair (something he would have to thank Lulu for later), as well as her shoes, which brought her already formidable height up a few more inches, and jewelry. The coat was longer than the dress itself. She'd kept the gift for him in her purse until later.

Lulu had taken Clarice by the arm as they had headed out. She was in a dress reminiscent of the forties with her blonde hair teased to match the correct era.

"Isn't this going to be awesome?" Lulu said to Clarice as she put some of the things she and Kaylee had baked onto a table.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 15 2009, 06:33:42 UTC
There wasn't much Clarice could do with her hair, but Lulu had helped her pick her out a pretty blue dress and she wore matching sparkly earrings in her pointed ears.

She helped Lulu arrange the confections with the ease of several months of practice at the bakery, sneaking looks around at all the wonderful clothes. "Mm," she agreed softly. "I think... it's going to be fun." Moira and Zak were here together, which made Clarice happy, and she was enjoying seeing all the other couples around.


Re: 8:00pm lulu8889 February 15 2009, 06:57:41 UTC
Lulu grinned. "Exactly. It will be lots of fun. And you look beautiful, Clarice!" Lulu looked around. They were a bit early, but it was perfectly fine.


Re: 8:00pm never_blink February 15 2009, 08:00:31 UTC
Clarice blushed. "Oh no. I mean... not like you do, and Moira. I do like my dress though." She brushed her hand over the skirt lightly. Dressing up always made her self-conscious, but everyone here was so fancifully dressed, she would have felt more out of place wearing everyday clothes!


8:15 a_jade_phoenix February 15 2009, 04:12:48 UTC
Harry stared up at the cloudless sky with an uneven smile. Things had settled over the last week, but being outside, even now made him feel uncomfortable as if it'd just dawned on him that there were still people in this small town willing to do bad things to good people for no reason.

Teddy was struggling to be set down so he could run ahead, but Harry's grip was like glue as they walked down the cold streets. They weren't supposed to have Teddy with them to begin with, but now Harry refused to let him go. It was weird enough feeling uncomfortable out on these streets alone, bringing Teddy out with them was enough to give him the chills. Fighting with his irrational paranoia a moment longer, he glanced up at Snape with a pointed look and Apparated directly to the Jazz Club and waited in front for Snape to catch up.


Re: 8:15 reluctant_pawn February 15 2009, 04:19:42 UTC
Severus was looking warily around them, his wand clenched tightly in his hand. It shouldn't be like this. They were supposed to be safe here, not looking over their shoulders and worrying about what was coming around every corner.

He waited until Harry and Teddy Disapparated, then followed right behind them, appearing beside them. Nodding toward the entrance of the club, he ushered them inside, searching the room for any sign of trouble. Seeing no overt threats, he slid his wand into the holster on his sleeve.

"Are you certain you want to do this?" he asked Harry again as Teddy finally wiggled from Harry's grasp.


8:15 a_jade_phoenix February 15 2009, 04:26:06 UTC
Harry bent with Teddy and pointed over to Lulu with an encouraging smile, that remained in place until Teddy shot across the room and wrapped himself around Lulu's waist with a huge smile.

"Yeah." Of course he wasn't sure if he wanted to. They had to.


Re: 8:15 reluctant_pawn February 15 2009, 04:35:03 UTC
"Alright then," Severus replied, watching Teddy run off before taking Harry's hand and slowly following after the boy. He didn't want Teddy to get much further than arms reach. Severus wasn't yet convinced that the person who took Remus wasn't a threat to Teddy.

"Would you like something to drink?"


8:37 pm scherbotsky February 15 2009, 05:42:34 UTC
Robin Scherbatsky came in wearing a black Casablaca dress, cut at the knee, which she had found at a small shop in town. It was a pretty cool night but Chip had driven her so she only had to face the night air for about 8 minutes. Still she had a few goose bumps and now slightly regretted not wearing tights. It was worth it though, if only to have the guy who checked her coat check her out.

Valentine’s Day was just a stupid hallmark holiday. But it was a great excuse.


((because I feel sad I dropped the ball on the last thread)) indiepellew February 16 2009, 14:57:05 UTC
Valentines Day wasn't something Sir Edward thought much about celebrating. After all, what with spending several months at sea, sweethearts would be lucky to get a letter, let alone anything else.

But Pellew promised himself that he would spend time getting to know the inhabitants (even if working on the Indie was tempting...). So he found a suitable costume (because seriously, was it going to be anything other than a uniform?), and wandered casually into the club.

One of the first faces he saw, not long after arriving, was the young lady he remembered from a previous gathering.

"Hello," he said, tipping his hat to her. "Fancy seeing you here."


((apology thread very welcomed)) scherbotsky February 18 2009, 02:19:16 UTC
Robin turned to the familiar face as he, in a very gentleman like manner, literally tipped his hat to her. She quickly searched her memory, wasn't he the guy she met at that kareoke bar's opening? They hadn't talked much but he hadn't been a jerk. Plus he was saying hy to her.

"Hello sailor", she smiled, punning his costume. She was really glad to see a friendly - or recognizable - face, Robin had been certain she would have to spend the night talking to only Lulu if she wasn't pulled away for another doublegangner gag. Maybe Kaylee was around too... "Edward, right? We met at that Kareoka bar place like a month ago."


indiepellew February 18 2009, 14:37:10 UTC
"That's right," he said. "And it's Robin, isn't it?" He had quite a good memory for names and faces (which came in handy when one was commander of a frigate). All the same, it didn't do any harm to make sure. "Did you just arrive here?"


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