
Feb 14, 2009 14:45

WHAT: Valentine's Sweetheart Dance
WHERE: The Jazz Club
WHEN: 8pm-whenever people stumble home

Here it is folks. The big dance at the jazz club. Remember, 40's dress is optional, but not required. And if your character doesn't have a date to the dance, that's okay! Everyone is welcome.

The club is set up to look like an old fashioned ( Read more... )

ian delaney, clarice ferguson, ianto jones, lily potter, harry potter, *status-complete, lee 'apollo' adama, severus snape, mal reynolds, edward pellew, zak adama, dr. horrible, jack harkness, laura roslin, barney stinson, chuck bartowski, !party, robin scherbotsky, river tam, chloe sullivan, william 'husker' adama, lulu spencer, saffron, kaylee frye, delirium, owen harper, moira byrne

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Comments 464

9:00 frontpagebyline February 15 2009, 08:35:42 UTC
Chloe arrived at the dance alone.

She hadn't been much in touch with anyone over the last several days. Recovering from what Brainiac had done to her, and what Moira and the Doctor had had to do to get him out, had been a slow process, and she was getting used to having an ordinary mind again.

But in exchange, she had her memories back.

She knew why her e-mail inbox had included a sappy e-Valentine and e-roses, and she and her almost-fiance had had a lengthy video chat where she hadn't had to fake a single emotion. (She'd burned her farewell notes with their feigned sentiment.) She knew exactly why she felt wistful walking into this dance, looking around at the outfits and the decorations and feeling it strike hard just how much Jimmy would have loved it. She had the memory of him back, in all his silliness, tenderness, and sincerity, so she couldn't feel lonely.

But she could wish he could see her in her dress. It wasn't especially sexy, nor as dressy as the outfits many of the other women present had picked out, but it was ( ... )


Re: 9:00 flexible_jack February 15 2009, 20:56:11 UTC
Jack was moving through the crowd toward the door when Chloe came in. He had been around long enough to know when someone's mind wasn't quite on the occasion at hand and maybe that was the reason he found himself changing his intended path to stop in front of her. He offered a hand and a charmer's smile.

"Captain Jack Harkness. Welcome to the Jazz Club."

The two of them might not have ever been introduced, but she was acquainted with several of his friends. And that put her right on his list.


Re: 9:00 frontpagebyline February 16 2009, 18:44:08 UTC
Chloe took the proffered hand in a firm grip, returning his smile warmly. His grin reminded her of Clark's, boyish and appealing, although in Clark it was totally unconscious. In this man's case, she suspected he knew exactly what effect his smile had on onlookers.

"So you're Captain Jack. It's nice to finally meet you. Chloe Sullivan." She looked him up and down. "Snazzy outfit. Let me guess: you needed an excuse to wear it, and that's why you decided to host this whole party?"


Re: 9:00 flexible_jack February 17 2009, 03:58:26 UTC
Oh yes, Jack Harkness knew exactly what he was doing when he smiled. Every move was calculated. But for now, it was all completely innocent. Well, for the most part. Jack could never truly be innocent.

He kept her hand longer than would be proper in the time period he was representing before releasing it. "I never need an excuse for this. I just wanted everyone to share my love for the time. At least for one night."

For the moment, Jack let his eyes go over the gathered crowd. He could almost pretend it was 1941. But he was quickly brought back to reality and he returned his attention to Chloe.

"So, does my reputation precede me, Chloe?"


9:15 incapacitates February 16 2009, 00:25:07 UTC
She was actually excited to be here.

That was rare.

Social events were typically for scoping out the marks and finding the perfect man to take home and rob blind. Tonight felt more about...having fun. And looking good while at it.

Coat slid off her shoulders and was offered to the boy at the door before she slid into the throng of people, moving towards the bar.


Re: 9:15ish....just after Red arrives our_capn_mal February 16 2009, 02:20:21 UTC
Mal really hadn't wanted to come to this party, but he couldn't find an excuse to stay at home. The apartment was small and being confined made him restless. It was bad enough he was stuck on one world without Serenity, but that didn't mean he had to become a hermit.

Mal had taken advantage of the offer of borrowing clothes and had gone to seek Jack Harkness earlier in the week. He seemed a decent fellow, if a bit...sly. But hey, to each their own.

The Captain stepped into the club and even he could admire the way it was set up. Reluctantly, he gave up his coat at the door and stepped farther inside. He could see a bar and he was thankful that was one thing Earth-that-was had in common with his own...time. That was the way he was going.


Re: 9:15ish....just after Red arrives incapacitates February 16 2009, 02:28:07 UTC
She took a seat at the bar, smoke-filled air threatening to make her eyes water and ordered something colorful and fruity. The point of tonight was to feel like a girl. And girls liked brightly-colored drinks, yeah? They also liked it when the bartender admired the wonderful view their dresses provided.

Adjusting her skirt so it wouldn't rumple, Red crossed one leg over the other and studied the room, waiting to be noticed.


Re: 9:15ish....just after Red arrives our_capn_mal February 16 2009, 03:00:19 UTC
Mal came up to the bar and lifted a hand to flag down the bartender. The man nodded, but he was serving a rather pretty girl first. Mal wasn't going to complain. Once the bartender was finished, he came over and took Mal's order. Beer. Whatever was on tap.

While waiting for his drink, Mal took a look over the room. Specifically, at the girl the bartender had been flirting with. He blinked. There was something familiar about her. Pushing from his spot, he wandered over to get a better look.

A curse slipped out, low and in Mandarin.

"You're kidding me."


freelanceryork February 16 2009, 02:47:28 UTC
As agreed, York had come to pick River up from Kaylee's apartment at nine.. of course, nine had turned into nine-eighteen when York and Delta had a brief disagreement about his costume. Tex had purchased him a uniform for this dance. A Nazi uniform. And York, who knew little history, had liked it. It had been good looking. Delta had told him that it was a bad idea. So York had ended up knocking on River's door in his backup costume.

He had moved up the stairs casually (he didn't do elevators) and had stood outside her door for a moment before finally knocking. He felt like an idiot.. but sometimes, that was a good feeling.


9:18 brainpanned February 16 2009, 03:19:56 UTC
River waited patiently for nine, watching the hands of the clock tick past -- one after the other in a slow rhythm. At nine-o-five, she began to worry.

York never really struck her as the sort of person to be tardy, and she wondered (fingering the material and the way the seams darted up and around) if he'd changed his mind about her. She liked the dress quite a bit. The way it sat against her and the moved around her legs when she walked. She hoped he'd feel the same way, clamping down hard on the flutter of birds in her stomach and ribcage.

Nine-twelve. Still nothing.

And then, exactly six minutes and twenty-eight seconds later, she heard the knock. Clutching a hand to her chest, River gingerly opened the door.


Re: 9:18 freelanceryork February 16 2009, 03:28:01 UTC
York was standing there, eyes turned heavenward as he had a discussion with the AI inside his head-- but when the door clicked open, he directed his eyes to her immediately, just in time to break out into a brilliant smile. "Wow." He even took a step back, so he could look her dress over, and then up to her face. "You look.. you're.. it's.." He paused then, as Delta recited all the words he could choose from. Admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, charming, classy, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fascinating, fine, foxy, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant -- wait. What? "Pulchritudinous."

Yeah. Yeah, he'd said that. And he'd even pronounced it correctly, thanks to Delta.

Both hands (gloved in white gloves) came out to extend forward, so she could take the both of them, and he could tug her into the hallway, and release them. "Will you spin for me?"


Re: 9:18 brainpanned February 16 2009, 03:42:34 UTC
The adjective made her blush, clear and clever words turning to mumbles as she looked down at her hands and the peeking toes of her dancing shoes. "Purely subjective." Which was why she blushed. If it had been testable fact, like Delta's earlier claims about her ovulating, River would have taken it as anything else. But this...

"You appear -- nice. Additionally."

She spun.


Round about 845pm tempus_frangit February 16 2009, 02:51:32 UTC
After spending the afternoon waiting to be found by the dog who sensibly looked for Delirium in the place she should-shouldn't have been, and talking with York, the girl was making her way toward the club that everyone else was.

Except, tonite, she wasn't completely a girl. Older, tonite. The old-oldest form was taken for the evening, which was never too terribly strenuous on her, but that was the extent. Anything else too forming and real hurt her.

Still lava haired, ever the redhead, and still with mismatched eyes, Del looked part of the times with her curled hair and little hat. And the gloves and skirt.

Stepping in, and smiling to the person who took her coat, she looked around curiously. It was different than the forties. And somehow it was still sort of the same.


Re: Round about 845pm teapot_jones February 16 2009, 15:32:32 UTC
Ianto found Del a little after nine and didn't recognize her. Not at first, at least. He stood, rather close to her and offered a cheerful hello and a puzzled smile, since she looked so bloody familiar. But he couldn't place her.

When realization dawned, it must have been pretty amusing to see. "..no! Del? Is that really you? You look amazing!"


Re: Round about 845pm tempus_frangit February 16 2009, 19:06:02 UTC
Del had been wandering around, as she was wont to do, and giggled every now and again when people didn't recognise her. Then giggled more when they did. Ianto, however, got laughter and a blush. He complimented her!

"Really real! And thank you. You're beautiful." Curious gaze flickered over his outfit, smiling in delight as she noticed a detail or something interesting caught her eye. "Very fitting. Think Time broke and put you in wrong era."


Re: Round about 845pm teapot_jones February 16 2009, 19:08:49 UTC
"No, it's all pretend. Here, wait, you're missing one little thing..."

Ianto reached up to his own white suit coat and unpinned the red red rose that had been sitting innocently there. Very carefully, he pinned it to Del's dress, then stepped back to admire the look. "There. You're perfect, now. A real lady," he said, admiringly.


Around 830pm going_inmy_blog February 16 2009, 03:39:08 UTC
Barney had actually been around the dance for quite a while. He was a very busy guy! And could, when need be, be a very shifty sort of person. No one had to notice him, if he didn't want them to notice him.

Luckily for the world, he usually wanted to be noticed. Tonite was absolutely no different. After (and only after) he helped out Kaylee and Billy.

Speaking of, he took a look around for them..surreptitious as he did so..and noticed that it wasn't looking too hot. Well. Crap. There was only so much Barney could fix! He was just one (awesome) dude! Sigh. Luckily, he caught sight of Jayne somewhere and that comforted the New Yorker.


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