a good time is all we're after;

Dec 20, 2011 19:42

CHARACTERS: anomalyse + unparental + EVERYONE EVER, ALL OF YOU.

LOCATION: One of the big common rooms near all the dorms + a smaller room for movies nearby. Or kitchen runs if people want to thread them BASICALLY WHEREVER YOU TAKE IT.

WARNINGS: Partying. Probably language. If anybody ends up getting their freak on (or gets triggery, it happens) let me know and I'll ( Read more... )

megamind, red alert, max "hotspur" southey, agent carolina, ianto jones, dave strider, connor temple, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, agent north dakota, america (alfred f. jones), eridan ampora, kroton, austria (roderich edelstein), chase kilgannon, rarity, john "oxford" buchanan, jenna sommers, rey, hal 9000, cave johnson, jack harkness, statsraaden, shadow, sherlock holmes, the doctor (eleventh), jade harley | au

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Comments 371

THE PARTY ROOM. unparental December 21 2011, 03:42:59 UTC
jenna - open forever open unparental December 21 2011, 04:05:19 UTC
Jenna makes stabs at playing hostess, but she's of the opinion this isn't her party, so much as theirs-- the general theirs. So other than passing around bottles and keeping an eye on the food levels, she concentrates more on having a good time than trying to be the Designated Party Leader.

She can be easily spotted in her natural habitat, throwing back shots and trying to get to know everyone, so come bug her.

( ooc | tag in at whatever time point in the night you want, just let me know in the subject line or meta or ooc note or whatever, idc. )


Probably early on because this guy is awkward turtle, etc. walksonrooftops December 21 2011, 04:10:29 UTC
It's kind of hard, balancing his wish to meet people and form friendships with his ingrained fear of crowds. Because dear goddess, there's a crowd building here. Asato stays to the edge of the room, close to the door, for the most part, but that doesn't seem to be helping too much. He needs to do something else--he needs to pull on his big boy pants, get out there, and talk! He can do this. Humans aren't scary. They're friendly!

"Are you the one who organized this meeting?" At least he's pretty direct, once he does initiate conversation. "It looks like you're having fun. Is it that stuff you're drinking?"


generarity December 21 2011, 06:24:41 UTC
When Rarity caught wind of the party, she expected loud music, cupcakes, streamers, and everything in between. After all, that's how Ponyville's resident party expert would do it. Even just thinking about it made her miss Pinkie Pie and everyone else back home.

To say she was surprised when she walked into the common room was an understatement. There were people here, but... where was the party? Perhaps this was a more high class event. Normally those would be identified by the exquisite gowns, but of course there was still nothing else to wear but the jumpsuits, much to Rarity's dismay. But if it was a classy gathering, that was just fine with her.

"Oh, I hope I'm not too late."


THE MOVIE ROOM. unparental December 21 2011, 03:43:17 UTC
TONIGHT'S FILM: SPACE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. anomalyse December 21 2011, 03:59:33 UTC
Connor had spent some time combing through the media archives, looking for something that might actually equate to fun, or, at least... y'know, not... terrible, anyway. There'd been way too much there to actually make an informed decision-what use was pop culture knowledge if the culture in question was totally different?-but he'd picked a few that looked promising, and set them aside for the evening. Well, pseudo-evening. It was always "evening" in space. Whatever, details, not important ( ... )


deducings December 21 2011, 04:37:34 UTC
Sherlock sees Connor as he enters the movie room. As far as what he recalls, that is Connor. They have yet to actually meet in person. Sherlock for the most part has resigned most of his social interaction to over the network, slightly expanding to only really conversing with John face to face. But he does suppose introductions are due.

He hovers slightly, corners of his thin lips quirk to a smile. He gestures to the cushion next to Connor.



anomalyse December 21 2011, 04:54:20 UTC
"No, it's-" Connor looks up. And chokes a little.

It's Sherlock Holmes, of course-at least, the incarnation he'd spoken to over the network-and who, though lacking the pipe and spats and hat, is... still pretty intimidating, actually. Very tall and dark and tall. "-Hi. Um, no. Not taken at all, go ahead." He motions to the spot next to him, and takes a conciliatory sip of the champagne to steady himself. Speaking to Sherlock Holmes will either be incredibly exhausting or incredibly exciting-or both, to be honest. Connor's betting on both.


THE CORRIDOR OUTSIDE. unparental December 21 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
Socially Retarded Robot +1 pretendernoia December 21 2011, 06:02:06 UTC
Red Alert had manage to ignore and completely miss the entire talk and planning of a large get together. Especially when he was working on keeping distance between himself, Heatwave, and any and all medical personnel. Which was why he was a bit dumbfounded by the noise and traffic happening between him and his room. Though that didn't stop him from automatically moving against one wall and looking around.

He had never really socialized back on the ark during such events, but it may be a good way to keep out of sight a bit longer if he blended into the large crowd. Or it could be a bad idea and bring more notice on him if his luck was that bad and Heatwave was there.

Decisions. Decisions.


let me know if this is all right? umuh December 21 2011, 20:04:22 UTC
Crushes of people and Bella carrying anything usually went poorly. She had a giant bowl of popcorn in her arms, and after almost running into someone walking by (and apologizing in her standard mumble, unable to duck her head enough to hide the fact she was blushing in embarrassment, coordination isn't supposed to be this hard) she ended up pressed up against the wall and considering her options ( ... )


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