a good time is all we're after;

Dec 20, 2011 19:42

CHARACTERS: anomalyse + unparental + EVERYONE EVER, ALL OF YOU.

LOCATION: One of the big common rooms near all the dorms + a smaller room for movies nearby. Or kitchen runs if people want to thread them BASICALLY WHEREVER YOU TAKE IT.

WARNINGS: Partying. Probably language. If anybody ends up getting their freak on (or gets triggery, it happens) let me know and I'll ( Read more... )

megamind, red alert, max "hotspur" southey, agent carolina, ianto jones, dave strider, connor temple, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, agent north dakota, america (alfred f. jones), eridan ampora, kroton, austria (roderich edelstein), chase kilgannon, rarity, john "oxford" buchanan, jenna sommers, rey, hal 9000, cave johnson, jack harkness, statsraaden, shadow, sherlock holmes, the doctor (eleventh), jade harley | au

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TONIGHT'S FILM: SPACE MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. anomalyse December 21 2011, 03:59:33 UTC
Connor had spent some time combing through the media archives, looking for something that might actually equate to fun, or, at least... y'know, not... terrible, anyway. There'd been way too much there to actually make an informed decision-what use was pop culture knowledge if the culture in question was totally different?-but he'd picked a few that looked promising, and set them aside for the evening. Well, pseudo-evening. It was always "evening" in space. Whatever, details, not important.

At the moment, he's got a glass of something champagne-y in his hand (space bubbly?) and is about to pop in one of the weird future-chips into the weird future-chip player he'd stolen from the media library-the one with the suitably fun-for-the-whole-family back cover summary vibe. (There wasn't actually a back cover. Just a sort of hologram poppy-uppy readout, but.) He taps it once, looking around, and it slides in.

The loading titles flicker to life on the wall in the form of another really big, widescreen hologram, and he moves out of the way in case people see him hanging about and want to throttle him for picking the wrong thing. There's a couch just sort of there, and a comfy spot on it will do nicely, so he parks his arse on a cushion and waits for the inevitable popcorn-throwing (or chewing) to being.


deducings December 21 2011, 04:37:34 UTC
Sherlock sees Connor as he enters the movie room. As far as what he recalls, that is Connor. They have yet to actually meet in person. Sherlock for the most part has resigned most of his social interaction to over the network, slightly expanding to only really conversing with John face to face. But he does suppose introductions are due.

He hovers slightly, corners of his thin lips quirk to a smile. He gestures to the cushion next to Connor.



anomalyse December 21 2011, 04:54:20 UTC
"No, it's-" Connor looks up. And chokes a little.

It's Sherlock Holmes, of course-at least, the incarnation he'd spoken to over the network-and who, though lacking the pipe and spats and hat, is... still pretty intimidating, actually. Very tall and dark and tall. "-Hi. Um, no. Not taken at all, go ahead." He motions to the spot next to him, and takes a conciliatory sip of the champagne to steady himself. Speaking to Sherlock Holmes will either be incredibly exhausting or incredibly exciting-or both, to be honest. Connor's betting on both.


deducings December 21 2011, 05:09:00 UTC
Tall, Dark, you've forgotten handsome B(

He can't hide the lankiness. Sauntering over to the seat and plopping down next to him. Sherlock's movements were almost cat like. Searching his brain for social queues, considering they very much did have a few conversations over the network. They could get along, Sherlock decides and puts Connor's file permanently in the 'Interesting' folder. He takes a few seconds to analyze Connor. picking up on random quirks. He then grins and turns to face where the movie is being projected.

"You're nervous," he says easily.


anomalyse December 21 2011, 05:25:54 UTC
Tall, dark, handsome and smart.

He grins back, a little apprehensive, but enthusiastic nonetheless. "Trust you to notice that. It's just. You're famous, obviously, and you're... probably aware of that now. So yeah, bit nervous."

He sits up a little straighter, takes another sip of the drink, and swallows. Connor tends to babble when he's anxious, so he's fighting tooth and nail to hold it back; there's nothing more embarrassing than making a fool of yourself in front of one of the smartest men to have walked the earth. "Nothing I can't get over."

(With time.)

"Oh, right-one thing." He makes another vague hand gesture. "Do you prefer Sherlock or Holmes? Not sure which I'm supposed to go with, in this case. Figured I'd ask the man himself."


deducings December 21 2011, 05:46:53 UTC
"The reaction is rather strange considering that's not how most people act when they're around me," Sherlock sighs and his shoulders slump. The initial bridge he had to cross whenever he tried to make friends was always a painful one. Except with John. He chuckles at that question. Who actually called him Holmes?

"It's Sherlock," he grins. "Good, please do, Connor. I would hate to have you constantly awestruck, that's what John is for. Also, what are we watching?"


anomalyse December 22 2011, 21:54:40 UTC
"Looks like some kind of action film," Connor says, looking back at the projection as somebody screams and falls to their doom. "Just a warning, haven't watched it beforehand, so if it's terrible, don't look at me. Totally blameless here."

He doesn't fail to notice how Sherlock refers to John-Watson, wow, this is weird, calling him John-as awestruck, which, from what Connor can tell, doesn't quite seem the case... unless Sherlock counts their bickering over groceries on the network as such, which he could, but that was an awkward conversation with John anyway and so Connor'll just stop thinking about it right now.

And, of course, there was his own name. Not like he'd kept it quiet, but it always feels a bit weird to be addressed on a first-name basis before actual… real life introductions.

He pauses. "If you don't mind me asking, how do people act around you?"

Connor has a good idea, based on what he's seen, but it's a conversation-starter and he's curious for elaboration.


deducings December 25 2011, 16:59:52 UTC
"A third of the time they're impressed," he grins as he reclines into the cushion. Sherlock watches the projection silently. His mind already trying to come to conclusions to the end of the film by the hems of the protagonists jeans.

"It's really not as difficult or as impressive as it sounds. It's simply applying observation and coming to conclusions. I've practically explained it on my website if people would actually bother to read it," Sherlock's words are fluid and quick; there's a small hint of whininess to them.

"The other halves, their moods can be summed down to two words: piss off," he grins impressively. "I'm growing rather fond of action films, I was forced to partake in a Bond Watch. Social cues, right. I should say something to you to further the conversation. The weather is interesting today, isn't it?"


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