a good time is all we're after;

Dec 20, 2011 19:42

CHARACTERS: anomalyse + unparental + EVERYONE EVER, ALL OF YOU.

LOCATION: One of the big common rooms near all the dorms + a smaller room for movies nearby. Or kitchen runs if people want to thread them BASICALLY WHEREVER YOU TAKE IT.

WARNINGS: Partying. Probably language. If anybody ends up getting their freak on (or gets triggery, it happens) let me know and I'll ( Read more... )

megamind, red alert, max "hotspur" southey, agent carolina, ianto jones, dave strider, connor temple, tali'zorah vas normandy, asato, richard harrow, agent north dakota, america (alfred f. jones), eridan ampora, kroton, austria (roderich edelstein), chase kilgannon, rarity, john "oxford" buchanan, jenna sommers, rey, hal 9000, cave johnson, jack harkness, statsraaden, shadow, sherlock holmes, the doctor (eleventh), jade harley | au

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THE CORRIDOR OUTSIDE. unparental December 21 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
Socially Retarded Robot +1 pretendernoia December 21 2011, 06:02:06 UTC
Red Alert had manage to ignore and completely miss the entire talk and planning of a large get together. Especially when he was working on keeping distance between himself, Heatwave, and any and all medical personnel. Which was why he was a bit dumbfounded by the noise and traffic happening between him and his room. Though that didn't stop him from automatically moving against one wall and looking around.

He had never really socialized back on the ark during such events, but it may be a good way to keep out of sight a bit longer if he blended into the large crowd. Or it could be a bad idea and bring more notice on him if his luck was that bad and Heatwave was there.

Decisions. Decisions.


let me know if this is all right? umuh December 21 2011, 20:04:22 UTC
Crushes of people and Bella carrying anything usually went poorly. She had a giant bowl of popcorn in her arms, and after almost running into someone walking by (and apologizing in her standard mumble, unable to duck her head enough to hide the fact she was blushing in embarrassment, coordination isn't supposed to be this hard) she ended up pressed up against the wall and considering her options ( ... )


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bearsthevision December 21 2011, 06:20:26 UTC
"It's a party." Chase wasn't quite sure who he was talking to--but then again, she was also directly behind the man and didn't really see anything. The girl herself had been hesitant about joining, but it was nothing some tea and a few reassuring words could cover. She could go to a silly movie like a normal person, couldn't she?

Until this robot--or at least, she assumed he was, with the awkward lurking--was gazing intently at the room and Chase was gazing intently at him back. Or at least the back of his head.

"Humans like to interact with each other, socially. A lot of times there's alcohol involved..Or...So I'm told." She offers a slight smile, tucking her book closer against her body. "You can join them if you like."


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bearsthevision December 21 2011, 07:41:36 UTC
Chase stares--she can't help it, she's a curious person--but there's no flinching. If anything, she seems amused, loosening the grip on her book and tucking it under her arm to extend her hand to the other man, offering a light smile.

He's got a rough, gruff voice but it reminds her of her father of sorts, and the thought makes her small smile widen slightly, eyes darting to the mask again. She's too polite to ask, but it does look cool. Like an antique synthetic design.

"Well, I'm Chase. And if you're not going to go in then you're going to have to talk to me, sir, because the truth is that I'm not too sure I want join them, either."


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bearsthevision December 21 2011, 17:21:57 UTC
The twitch was not lost on Chase. Had she not been in battles, had she not been bred for war she probably would join the ranks of those children screaming. It wasn't a very pretty look, that much was true, and Chase did stare at it, but only for a few seconds before glancing back over to his good eye and nodding.

"I don't know how to handle parties, either," She confessed. "But it's nice to meet you, Richard. I'm sorry we had to meet on an abandoned ship."


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bearsthevision December 22 2011, 04:57:52 UTC
Chase can't help the giggle that comes from her as the man--Robert--complimented her. She's bemused, but she likes it. It's not 'you're too young to be talking like that,' or, 'you're smart, kid.' Just a nice, polite observation.

Creepy face or not--and it is a little unsettling--chase can't help but laugh.

"No, it's just me right now, Robert. It's quite alright, I'm capable of taking care of myself. Why were you not thinking of going to the party?"


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bearsthevision December 22 2011, 21:18:23 UTC
"I don't think they want me there, either," She confesses. She does want to go, but... Well. That's the problem with a situation as tricky as hers. Instead, she settles on focusing on the man with the strange mask and deep voice, tilting her head to the side slightly, wondering if it was too rude or not to say it.

After a few ticks of silence she finally decides that she can just hide behind her 'age,' and pointed up for good measure.

"Where I come from there's a better synthetic material than that, it just goes right on over metal and you can look like.." she doesn't want to say 'normal.' "...You did before whatever happened. What.. um, what did happen?"


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bearsthevision December 23 2011, 05:37:05 UTC
Chase is on her tip-toes, now, curiousity taking a hold of her normally brilliant mind. "I've been in wars," She says distantly, fingers splayed to try and reach the edge of the other's mask. It's absolutely fascinating.

"And underneath? What happened underneath?"


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