Like in the house, doing regular activities? For me, it's 65 F. In the summer, I feel hot until the temp gets 65, and in the winter I feel cold until it gets to that magic point. I'd love to have the thermostat set at 65 all year long, but my husband (ever concerned about heating/cooling costs) wants it at 74 in the summer and 60 in the winter
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For the people in the UK and Ireland: How's Katia where you are? I'm in class in Louth,and while it's not a hurricane per se,the professer is shouting to be heard. The lights went out just now but then,it is a pretty old building.Sounds like it's falling down,it's not gonna.
With this massive storm heading in my direction,we had to and will continue preparing for it's arrival.If there was a mandatory evacuation, would you leave? If so, what personal affects would you bring? This is suppose to be big,God bless everyone.
You've come in for a break after doing yard work or other physical activity in 100 degree (37.78 celsius) heat. What is going to quench your thirst the best?