
Mar 16, 2015 19:07

I haven't had a chance to check much out lately, but here's some wonderful things I have come across:

Gorgeous J2 vid:

image Click to view

from HERE (thanks to redteekal for the heads up on this vid).

art, meta recs and gorgeous con pics under here! )

pics, meta rec, recs, art rec

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Comments 33

frelling_tralk March 16 2015, 19:24:36 UTC
Aww, those are some very sweet pics :)


ash48 March 17 2015, 13:20:29 UTC
IKR?! :D


yourlibrarian March 17 2015, 01:05:12 UTC
Thanks for posting these! Loved the vid and yes, wow to see all the Winchesters together.


ash48 March 17 2015, 13:20:55 UTC
Most welcome! Great seeing them all together like this. :)


bluestar3317 March 18 2015, 22:13:35 UTC
Thanks for the heads up on the video. What gorgeous work! That must have been fun to create. :)


ash48 March 19 2015, 14:39:17 UTC
It's such a lovely vid. I'm sure she enjoyed making it. :))


casey28 March 20 2015, 04:21:20 UTC
It's a lovely vid. ♥

So glad to see the Winchester family reunited.

It's not easy reading, but somehow (and for some strange reason) it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one seeing a problem here.

I'm glad it makes you feel better. I wish it made me feel that way, too. But, the article clearly shows us that Sam has been "flattened"... there's isn't much left. *sigh*


ash48 March 20 2015, 04:28:56 UTC
It didn't make me feel better in the sense of Sam's character, but because I've been feeling that for quite a while now it made me feel better in the way it validated how I was feeling. I will NEVER feel better about what they've been doing to Sam. I just look for ways to help me get past it.


casey28 March 20 2015, 05:59:15 UTC
Yes. The way it validated your feelings, helped you feel better. Even while you still "don't feel better about what they've been doing to Sam." The difference for me is that I've been trying to focus on whatever good stuff is left for Sam, because it's too painful for me to deal with what's become of Sam's character. But now, I'm feeling the "pain", and it's harder to tune it out.

I just look for ways to help me get past it.

And that's a good thing. I hope what I'm feeling now will pass, or that I'll get a better perspective on it.


becc_j March 21 2015, 02:04:10 UTC
This is an awesome collection of recs. Loved the vid and the awkward family photo is hilarious <3 Hope you have a great weekend.


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