
Mar 16, 2015 19:07

I haven't had a chance to check much out lately, but here's some wonderful things I have come across:

Gorgeous J2 vid:

image Click to view

from HERE (thanks to redteekal for the heads up on this vid).


quickreaver has posted some gorgeous artwork for some spn_masquerade prompts. So dead from the hot!! (Rated R)

amberdreams has created a beautifully atmospheric piece for the ohsam challenge.

Both of these challenges look to have some great works. I am ridiculously far behind on catching up with everything that's being posted though. But I'll get there! (and how wonderful to still be talking about lots of stuff being posted on LJ. Alive and kicking baby!).


This is a very interesting article on the Flattening of Sam Winchester. The discussion underneath is quite interesting too (once you get past the obvious hateful comments). It makes it clear what's lacking (for me) at the moment. It's not easy reading, but somehow (and for some strange reason) it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one seeing a problem here.

That's not to say I'm not excited for the show's return this week. I am! I can't wait to see the boys back on the screen. And as much as I want to say "I'm going in with a new, less emotional approach", I don't think it will be true. Oh well. It might surprise me…;)


I ADORE these new pics from the recent Vegas con. Seeing the Winchesters together like this made my heart swell (and possibly brought a small tear).

(posing for the "awkward family photo" *g*)

(not sure who took the above two pics. They are all over the internet so not sure where to start to find the original source).

pics, meta rec, recs, art rec

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