
Mar 16, 2015 19:07

I haven't had a chance to check much out lately, but here's some wonderful things I have come across:

Gorgeous J2 vid:

image Click to view

from HERE (thanks to redteekal for the heads up on this vid).

art, meta recs and gorgeous con pics under here! )

pics, meta rec, recs, art rec

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Comments 33

sam_dean_lover March 16 2015, 13:33:32 UTC
wonderful pics. i also read that very interesting, accurate meta article, left a comment, i saw that you did too :)


ash48 March 16 2015, 14:04:31 UTC
Yep! I did leave a message. :)) I found it very interesting. Good to see others writing about it...


bowtrunckle March 16 2015, 14:20:03 UTC
So glad you posted this. It seems I need to get plugged back into fandom because I'm apparently missing "all the good stuff"! What's your sense in terms of which online sources for SPN news are most active (and non-wanky) ... tumblr ... LJ ... twitter ... something else?

Loved the meta. Good to see people writing thinky stuff.


ash48 March 16 2015, 14:31:08 UTC

Twitter keeps me most up to date. It's very immediate and seems to have a lot - though it can be very wanky. You have to choose the people you follow carefully. I'm not on tumblr much - but it seems to be more screen caps. Huge wank potential - but that's more about avoiding what you don't like.

LJ is still my fave, but doesn't have all the chatter like twitter does. It's certainly the least wanky and (I think) still the best way to find fic and fan works.

I see/hear from more fans over there than I do anywhere else. Many of my flist are on twitter and most are active there more than here now. Hope that helps a bit. :)


citrusjava March 16 2015, 14:26:19 UTC
Thanks for all the recs!
Man, I need fic for those pics, like, now! And then, I want more! And then, it needs to become a more regular thing. J3. Non AU. YES. Now. More. Please.


ash48 March 17 2015, 13:19:04 UTC
I agree! More JDM! They all look so happy! :)


tesserae_ March 16 2015, 15:13:25 UTC
Om my god, that vid made me smile! Thank you for a great start to a long day....


ash48 March 17 2015, 13:19:19 UTC
It's so lovely isn't it?! :D


amypond45 March 16 2015, 16:14:47 UTC
Oh wow! I'm probably the ONLY person in this fandom who hasn't seem this pic of all four Winchester actors and I'm completely choked up. I have NO sense of reality about this -- my mind keeps screaming "they're alive!"

Thank you so much for this! (Going off to have a good cry now...)


ash48 March 17 2015, 13:20:20 UTC
It made me choke up also. Such a wonderful reunion. It's quite amazing that it's taken so long to get them all together like this.



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