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Comments 58

ruby_jelly May 5 2012, 06:11:54 UTC
OK - just watched ep 21, and wanted your opinion, how sad is that? Why did the angel's bleed black goo, but Castiel red blood? Phooey; go and read your ops now, 'cos feeling impatient! :(


ash48 May 5 2012, 06:26:38 UTC
Hee... out of the whole ep it was the very last bit that I liked the best. The angels at the end where "filled" with black goo and killed (like Cas was when they took him over in the beginning). Leviathans trump angels (which probably makes no sense because why didn't Cas really die when he was over taken by them?). I think both angels and demons bleed red - well, their vessels do (ack! don't even get me started on the constant holes re vessels...) so that makes sense to me.

But.. (do you mind if I keep whinging?) I find it all too convenient that they need the blood of a fallen angel to help kill the Leviathans. Hmmm.. handy that they happen to know one.... (though God knows all I suppose so maybe he knew that they were going to need that when The Word was written. Maybe it's all part of him cunning plan...*nods*)


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ash48 May 5 2012, 16:43:38 UTC
Oh yeah, good point. Here they set out to kill so I can buy that...

So...( thiinking out loud here) leviathans can occupy and vacate vessels a bit like demons can. If they chose to they can use the goo to kill angels and humans (we don't know about demons yet ...do we?) . In the beginning they occupied Cas's vessel but didn't need or want to kill him so when they vacated hum they left him in one piece.

They can also take the form of whomever they occupy and shapeshifter accordingly.

Ok. Just getting my head around all that. :DD



fourtenpm May 5 2012, 06:48:35 UTC
My opinion of the episode improved somewhat, though not much, upon second viewing. The jokes are not really funny, 'cause they are trying too hard to be funny. Especially the sex torture dungeon line, I mean, that is the first thing popping out of a 16-year old honor student in AP?

I actually liked the idea of angels being pissed off by Castiel's smote/disappear act, but, Hester's anger was way too forced, more like a menopausal unstable woman than a righteously angry angel; and what's-his-name, I mean the other angel, seemed too eager to please. These new angels are just off.

I have made my peace with the general swiss cheese plot line of the show though, it amuses me.

Good thing about this episode? Well, Sam and Dean seem to be back to the place where they can communicate with eyebrows again.


ash48 May 5 2012, 07:18:44 UTC
Oh? Improved on the second viewing? Hmmm... maybe I better try it then.

Some of the jokes were weird - especially in the way they were repeated. Like we wouldn't have got it the first time. Like the sex torture dungeon and the transformers joke. And yeah... why would he even say that?

I get that other angels would be pissed at Cas's disappearing act. That does make some sense I suppose. Maybe it's because it feels like a story line from last year that it felt so jarring.

Sam and Dean seem to be back to the place where they can communicate with eyebrows again.

Hee. Yeah. I like it when they do that. They are definitely much more on the same page these days. Which is nice. :)


zebra363 May 5 2012, 07:06:16 UTC
The only thing I liked about it was Dean patting Sam on the arm at the end. I've been keen to see your reaction to check if I was being too harsh! Sam not having heard of the angel Metatron was particularly jarring.

Meg's voice bothered me much more this time. Some of those angel-heavy scenes reminded me of S4 (do not want).


ash48 May 5 2012, 07:14:40 UTC
The only thing I liked about it was Dean patting Sam on the arm at the end

Ha! Yes! You know.. when that happened I actually said out loud (to myself!) that's the only brotherly moment in the whole episode. I suppose we should be grateful we at least got that...

And Sam not knowing the name of the angel is very jarring. One moment he's the geek that knows everything, the next he isn't. I know it was purely in there for the Transformers joke (but wow.. how laboured was that joke? !)

The angels just aren't doing it for me. I didn't mind some of them in S4 (mostly because they had purpose) but now? Definitely feeling tacked on and pointless.

Oh Show. This is why you make me nervous going into each episode.



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ash48 May 5 2012, 09:17:13 UTC
I am so happy you liked this episode! \o/ You might indeed be the only one but at least that's one!! (Hee.. I mean, I'm sure there are other people who loved it, a lot of reactions I've been seeing have been "what the...?"

I think Castiel did shine in many parts but because I'm not really invested in his story so much I wasn't that interested. Though he did make the episode bearable in terms of a lot of his lines and his innocence.

I ALSO HOPE I'M SQUEEING NEXT WEEK! I too hate it when I'm not squeeing.... :(((

But YAY for enjoying it. <33333333


virtualpersonal May 5 2012, 08:56:21 UTC
OMG, I thought I might be the only one who thought it was quite a boring/lackluster episode. Last week's epi was absolutely awesome, but this one... I have to say the promo was better/more exciting than the episode itself. I guess they're just spoon feeding us some info, kind of like a whole lot of exposition that wasn't dressed up well enough that we wouldn't notice, lol


ash48 May 5 2012, 09:20:57 UTC
Yeah... it's weird. They have had plenty of episodes to tease the information out and then suddenly BAM! have all this exposition. I was so excited to find out what was inside the clay but then ended up being confused about the way it was handled. I mean... the boys know better then to play with something they're not sure what the consequences would be. What if people had died from their actions. *shrugs* I suppose it's also in their nature to dive head long into something.

I'm hoping by next week I'll be able to put this one behind me.



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