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Comments 58

killabeez May 5 2012, 13:07:46 UTC
There were some moments in this ep that I really liked, but my overall opinion is pretty much exactly the same as yours. I think you beautifully articulated everything that bugged me.


ash48 May 6 2012, 03:05:10 UTC
Yeah - there really were some nice bits and they would have been enough if all the surrounding bits were so...um... difficult and awkward.



cassiopeia7 May 5 2012, 14:04:54 UTC
I liked the ep a bit more than you did . . . but still, I agree wholeheartedly with your post. Considering that this was an Edlund episode, it was surprisingly lackluster. Just . . . not that good.

There were some lovely little moments but they were surrounded with some truly awful ones.

THIS RIGHT HERE. And the good moments just made the rest of it look that much worse. D:

ACK!!! I DON'T KNOW?!! Is it just me? Am I being too harsh? Does it need a second viewing to appreciate it? (please no!) Other than some funny one liners was there actually anything good about that ep that I missed?

Nope, it's not just you, and you're not being too harsh . . . but I do NOT recommend a second viewing, as I ended up downgrading my initial impression of the ep after such a re-viewing.

Honestly, I would have expected such a hit-and-miss exercise from Dabb & Loflin, but Edlund? No, in his hands, this should have been a MUCH better ep.


ash48 May 6 2012, 03:10:10 UTC

And the good moments just made the rest of it look that much worse.

I think that's spot on. There were moments that I was getting right into it and then... wham! awkward moment that slowed the pacing down. I even forgot to mention my favourite part (that my home town, Perth, got a mention) THAT'S how distracted I was...

The fact that it was Edlund does surprise me. Personally I don't think directors should direct their own scripts. I think it's often better for someone else to interpret what a writer meant. That way we don't rely on the writer alone to tell us his story.



altruisticinteg May 5 2012, 14:29:01 UTC
I think I was giving Mr. Edlund too much credit in his writing when I first watched the ep. I was thinking that maybe the whole thing was meant to be a disjointed mess as a way to have the audience get inside the headspace of Cas. Where there are moments of information and clarity and then a silly moment of amusement (for them at least). But… in all honesty, I think we had some really good eps this year and Imo, comparing this one to the others, the quality of writing here just doesn’t come close to them ( ... )


ash48 May 6 2012, 03:19:56 UTC
I was thinking that maybe the whole thing was meant to be a disjointed mess as a way to have the audience get inside the headspace of Cas.

Oh yes. I did wonder the same thing. That's why I wondered if Sam and Dean were there as observers so WE could feel the whole mess of how Cas was seeing things. I suppose Ben may just have been that clever (because it certainly was a mess), but it's dangerous to do that if the audience is actually left feeling nothing, or confused.

So, instead of asking why Sam was so dumbed-down in this ep

I know! So sad to see that happen...:(

I focused on Dean patting Sam’s arm

Happy place. One tiny brotherly moment - but at least there was that. Makes me wonder if Jensen actually threw that in. The boys don't casually touch each other much. I liked that it could have been a way of grounding themselves after such a muddle of a case.

The trailer for next week's ep has left me nervously waiting for what's to come.I haven't seen the trailer as I try to stay clear of spoilers but I am seriously ( ... )


mithborien May 5 2012, 14:40:04 UTC
Heh, just to add to all the 'what the hell was that', how was Meg able to kill the angel? I thought only angels could kill angels or did I miss something?


ash48 May 6 2012, 03:26:36 UTC
She had the angel sword. I suppose anyone who has that can kill an angel? Though I'm not sure where she got it from...maybe from the last episode we saw her in?

Perth got a mention though. :DD I forgot to include that (so HAD to make a separate just for that!). So something good came out of it...;)



mithborien May 6 2012, 06:03:22 UTC
I totally forgot about Perth! Yay, we legitimately exist in the SPN universe.

But yeah, there were so many weird unexplained things in the ep.


Hey Ash vyperdd May 5 2012, 16:01:23 UTC
The highlight for me was where Cas got sent when Dean did the angel-banishing sigil.... Perth!!!! Our hometown!!! And it got even better by the fact that Dean has heard of Perth and knows, at least, what country it's in. And with the mention of racing dogs, it sounds like Cas was at Cannington Greyhounds. LOL

The rest was pretty much as you've described it, even on re-watch it didn't grab me like most SPN eps have. Maybe it will improve after we see the last 2 eps, but I'm not holding out much hope for that.

So surprising that a Ben Edlund ep was such a let-down. He usually delivers really great eps. Let's hope he makes up for it with his eps next season.


Re: Hey Ash ash48 May 5 2012, 16:14:34 UTC
HA! You know, when I was watching this I jumped for JOY at the mention of Perth and I thought THAT'S how I'm starting my review. But then I got caught up in the WTF of it all and forgot to mention it.

I was thinking about it tonight and thought I HAVE to mention that in a separate post. OH Man! What I wouldn't give to be able to manip a pic of Cas at Canningtom Greyhounds.

It kinda blows me away that Dean would even know that there was a Perth in Australia. Colour me IMPRESSED!

I can't believe I forgot to mention it. /o\



Re: Hey Ash vyperdd May 6 2012, 02:01:53 UTC
I am seriously thinking about driving by Cannington Greyhounds and taking a couple of pics to give to Misha when I see him at AHBL3 in a few weeks.

Yeah we ain't exactly the most well known place in Oz.

Wonder what, if anything, made Ben choose Perth or did he just throw a dart at a map of the world?


Re: Hey Ash ash48 May 6 2012, 02:27:28 UTC
Hee... yes. So at least he knows where his character went!

I'm very curious as to why Ben chose there of all places. I'm about to do a post on it. I might even be able to dig up some meta on that....;)



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