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ruby_jelly May 5 2012, 06:11:54 UTC
OK - just watched ep 21, and wanted your opinion, how sad is that? Why did the angel's bleed black goo, but Castiel red blood? Phooey; go and read your ops now, 'cos feeling impatient! :(


ash48 May 5 2012, 06:26:38 UTC
Hee... out of the whole ep it was the very last bit that I liked the best. The angels at the end where "filled" with black goo and killed (like Cas was when they took him over in the beginning). Leviathans trump angels (which probably makes no sense because why didn't Cas really die when he was over taken by them?). I think both angels and demons bleed red - well, their vessels do (ack! don't even get me started on the constant holes re vessels...) so that makes sense to me.

But.. (do you mind if I keep whinging?) I find it all too convenient that they need the blood of a fallen angel to help kill the Leviathans. Hmmm.. handy that they happen to know one.... (though God knows all I suppose so maybe he knew that they were going to need that when The Word was written. Maybe it's all part of him cunning plan...*nods*)


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ash48 May 5 2012, 16:43:38 UTC
Oh yeah, good point. Here they set out to kill so I can buy that...

So...( thiinking out loud here) leviathans can occupy and vacate vessels a bit like demons can. If they chose to they can use the goo to kill angels and humans (we don't know about demons yet ...do we?) . In the beginning they occupied Cas's vessel but didn't need or want to kill him so when they vacated hum they left him in one piece.

They can also take the form of whomever they occupy and shapeshifter accordingly.

Ok. Just getting my head around all that. :DD



ruby_jelly May 5 2012, 06:35:03 UTC
I kept feeling impatient - hey, get back to the action, please. And then they were hanging around the hospital; just hanging around chatting! And then Sam left, LEFT, the damn rock in the bag, on the floor, unsecured. Dean playing "Sorry". I think there was a lot of double information to be gleaned, but I felt myself getting irritated! I was more anxious than them, which may have been an effect of reacting to Kevin's experience, rather than their laid back time in Cas's room. BUT, why hang around when they could go to ground and be safe ( ... )


ash48 May 5 2012, 06:53:21 UTC
Yeah, impatient is the word. And probably a bit bored.

The sitting around in hospital made NO sense. AND Sam leaving the bag... his motivation for leaving made little sense also. And see that's why I blame the directing. We got a shot of the bag on the floor as Sam left. Talk about telegraph what's going to happen. And seriously? Sam is that stupid? Take the bag with for goodness sake...

And how did Kevin get in? I take it he was drawn to the Word but... a secured wing of the hospital?

I loved Cas's opinion of Sam's personality. There were some gems in there. But yeah - all for Cas not much for anyone else.

"Crowley isn't this years problem"

Yeah. That's the issue with have characters like that. What do you do with them when they aren't needed. Like Bobby. Completely out of the picture this episode and yet so important and on the boys minds in the last few.


Too hard to think about. I really hope it's just a one off bad ep. It does happen sometimes.



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