7.19 reaction and review (with pics...)

Apr 21, 2012 13:45

Ok. So that was pretty darn cool. Some of it was a little ho hum (with a few inconsistencies = *handwaves*), but mostly I really enjoyed.

Counting the ways:

1. I'm thinking my response may well be a little shallow because really, any episode that starts with the BOYS EATING ON THE NOT!IMPALA is FINE with me! \o/ (Of course heaps better if it had been the Impala but I can settle for this). Look how cosy and relaxed they are. OH BOYS! <33333333

I'm glad Dean can still get a lot of satisfaction out of food. The world's going to shit (though...um...compared to the pending apocalypse I'm thinking it's not so bad at the moment *shrugs*) but Dean knows he can rely on his taco tasting awesome.

2. Loved this little moment too:

It's curious. Dean's phone rings and Sam checks his pocket. Either they have the same ring tone (awwwwww) or Sam sometimes carries Dean's phone (awwwwww). I'm actually thinking it's something Jared thought as how many of us thinks it might be their phone that's ringing, even if it a different ring tone. Or is that just me. ;/

3. I enjoyed the look inside a ghost's existence. I'm thinking there are probably some inconsistencies there but I've decided to not look too hard at it.

4. Annie was cool. I was a little "um...what?" when Dean spoke to her as though she was a long time friend (we're only hearing about her now?!)... but their explanation satisfied me. I suppose they do know a lot of other hunters. Though it baffles me that any hunter would work alone. Having someone watch your back would be a necessity I reckon.

And OF COURSE SHE DIED!! (Sam did sleep with her after all...*snerk*). I liked the way her death was used though so it's cool. I really liked the house full of ghosts and she was a good match with Bobby. Ghost ghost hunters. Nice.

5. Ok. So. There was just something about this episode that was super HOT. I think it might have had something (A LOT!) to do with this scene:

I mean LOOK A THAT GOD OF A MAN!! JEEZEEEEEEEEEEEE KILL ME NOW! We most definitely need more wet hair Dean scenes!

Who else was hoping we'd get a shot of him actually stepping out of the shower? Seriously!! (I was thinking of that moment in Battleship I have to tell you! *swoon*). But I was equally thrilled with the extended scene with wet haired!Dean. HOT DAMN!

6. I'm sure you were all distracted by the pretty (:koff: me too) but there were some pretty cool motel details lurking in the background. So I just have to point them out:

LOOK AT THOSE SEAGULLS! There's a seaside theme in this room. Lot's of stressed white furniture and blue walls, but what fascinates me is that there is a MURAL in the room the we don't actually get to see. Boo! That kinda sucks. AND THERE ARE THOSE STONE WALLS AGAIN!! (maybe there's some underlying meaning to all the stone walls this season. Something to do with stonewalling, or running into brick walls... or something equally fanwanky *g) Ooh and lots of orange. I'm sure that's significant too. :)

If you can take your eyes of our pretty boys who can see what looks like a sea mural surround by those faux stones. Love it!

And check out that wallpaper!! Crazy!

Ok. Back to episode.

7. I was hoping we'd see the boys having a dilemma about what to do with ghost!Bobby. So I'm glad we got that. As per their characters Dean is very uneasy (even though he misses Bobby dreadfully) and Sam is more open minded to him being around. I'm sure they'll keep him around (maybe even through to next season?) but I'd say they'd have to do something sooner or later. Poor boys. To have to lose Bobby again. (I'm only assuming this will be the outcome eventually).

8. Hee. "Fancy Lady".

9. Hee. Stupid teenagers. Seriously - horror films would not exist without stupid teenagers going into place they SHOULDN'T!!


Nice to see Sam more focused and relaxed. I'm not sure if they plan to do any more with the hallucinations (hope so) but it's a good reprieve for both of the boys. Loved the banter in this scene.

11. And you know I live for the little bro moments. A touch of hurt!Sam (though I couldn't make out exactly what the ghost was doing to Sam), a shout of "Sam!" from Dean (yay) and this....

Awww Dean. Putting out a reassuring hand. Shame it was such a dark scene.

Overall it was an enjoyable episode. Quite a few tense moments, it answered a lot of questions about ghost!Bobby and ghosts in general. Some nice, relaxed banter between the boys, it had a cool female character somewhat reminiscent of Ellen of and a steamy shower scene. (I can't believe my first observation is that Dean is having a shower with the door open. Which...yeah...of course, but you know where my damn brain went!)

Welcome back show!

s7 episode reaction

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