Bits and bobs...

Apr 20, 2012 21:30

HOMG! There's actually an episode tomorrow! *thud* and \o/. We have a straight run to the finale now. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us. Hopefully we'll get confirmation about S8 next week.

Check out the new Super Wiki fundraising badges. We all know how awesome SuperWiki is. It cost $$$ to run so purchasing some merchandise helps (and yay.. they're awesome) or a maybe a straight up donation if you don't want the stuff.

Couple of help requests:

1. Can anyone think of the episode (if there was one) when Dean says only he can "wail on Sam". Or something to that effect. Something about Dean being allowed to beat him up (in a joking sense) but no one else?

2. I'm currently putting together some meta on the boys physically fighting, so I'd love a beta. Someone who can sound me out on my thoughts and pick me up on my S&G. Someone not afraid of the boring thinky...;)

And on a different note...

Sons of Anarchy is CONSUMING me at the moment. I'm devouring Season One. I love it. \o/ As much I spend most of my time drooling over Jax and the club environment it's the women who amaze me. I love 'em all. Remarkably strong in such a testosterone driven environment. Edge of your seat viewing.

And Game of Thrones! WOOT! It actually had some boy on boy action recently. They ain't afraid to go places other shows fear to tread. I have to confess I spend most of it wondering what the hell is going on but the pretty is so consuming I just sit back and enjoy the ride. And what a ride it is. Another show where the women are amazing.

Hope you're all doing well. Last day of the holidays today (boo!) but I have the house to my self over the weekend so YAY! Lots of time for fandom pursuits...

help, soa, pimp, game of thrones

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