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Comments 41

missyjack April 21 2012, 06:00:24 UTC
Oh i am totally with you on all those little domestic moments! The scene in the restaurant was uber cute (and they did look like they were on a date)! Also - I note on seeing the writing on the mirror, Dean's asks if its Sam. And now I want a fic where Sam leaves shmoopy notes in the mirror for Dean.

And good catch with Sam checking for his phone.

I really loved that they weren't all "Yay Bobby's back" but that it was so much more complex, and sad, than that.


ash48 April 21 2012, 06:05:39 UTC
(and they did look like they were on a date)

They seemed so um... close... during the entire episode. They totally looked like they were on a date. :D

AND YES PLEASE! Sammy writing notes to Dean while he's in the shower!! MUST HAVE! (damn.. I'm already picturing the steamy notes.... )



callistosh65 April 21 2012, 06:29:21 UTC
Thoroughly enjoyed this one. ("Foxhole thing" indeed. Heh.) I agree, Dean with wet hair stepping out of the shower was a be-still-my-heart-and-freeze-frame-to-death moment - and I especially liked the way he got his hair together before he caught sight of the mirror. I may have to appeal to some clever person to make a gif of that if one is not forthcoming.*g*

There was nice banter, a few bro moments, and Bobby rolling his eyes at his boys.. so yeah, a seriously solid 40 minutes.


ash48 April 21 2012, 07:16:14 UTC
You mean like this?

... )


callistosh65 April 21 2012, 07:21:09 UTC
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you.


daisychain1957 April 21 2012, 07:39:50 UTC
I have to say how much I enjoyed this ep, and the shower scene!wet-haired Dean was to die for (and from a Sam lady). I love seeing Bobby back and really hope he'll stay to help the boys out as before.


ash48 April 21 2012, 09:23:57 UTC
Yeah! Wet hair!Dean does indeed test the Sam!gal in me. *thud*

I think Bobby will be around for a bit. I'm curious to see how Dean will react when Bobby starts helping them out...



zebra363 April 21 2012, 09:17:52 UTC
As you can see I've caved (within 3 minutes of getting online) and looked at your post before seeing the episode. Your lj cut summary was too tempting to resist! I'll live off these screencaps until I can get the real thing, so thanks for brightening my SPN-less evening!


ash48 April 21 2012, 09:22:05 UTC
Oh noes! You peaked!

Hee... it isn't a terrifically strong Sam and Dean ep but it does have some rather awesome moments... ;)


zebra363 April 21 2012, 09:27:30 UTC
I have no self control at all, it would seem! You did better than this when you were away!

I was going to email you to ask how much you thought I'd like it (i.e. how imperative it is that I see it ASAP), but decided to click on your link instead.

it isn't a terrifically strong Sam and Dean e

Thanks for telling me this. I won't build my hopes up too far and hopefully won't suffer any ill effects from spoiling myself!


ash48 April 21 2012, 09:32:53 UTC
Umm... think along the lines of the Garth ep. Lots of stuff that doesn't involve the boys but the stuff that does is great.

It's certainly one that can wait I think (perhaps not worth 250kms *g*). But a good, solid ep nonetheless. :)


geckoholic April 21 2012, 11:56:33 UTC
The whole Bobby thing is SO HEARTBREAKING, I don't even have words. They loose him, and now they get him back, but only temporarily (can't be anything else, right?) and with such a bitter taste to it and more heartbreak guaranteed down the road. This show is BRUTAL.

But, uh:
I mean LOOK A THAT GOD OF A MAN!! JEEZEEEEEEEEEEEE KILL ME NOW! We most definitely need more wet hair Dean scenes!
Yes, MTE. *gg* One of these "why's-show-not-on-HBO-moments, to be honest.


ash48 April 22 2012, 09:49:17 UTC
Show is indeed brutal. No one seems to be able to die and let the boys rest. (I love the idea of it all though. Plenty more angst of the way I'm thinking..)



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