7.18 reaction and review

Mar 31, 2012 21:04

I actually muttered "You've got to be kidding" after the opening recap. Garth was back? I sighed and thought I wouldn't enjoy this ep that much (especially as it took a full 7 minutes before the boys made an appearance).

But. I was pleasantly surprised. By the end I was muttering Sam's words..."...he has grown on me."

This was an easy watching episode. One that had some good (traditional) gore, a solid MoTW story, a few chuckle worthy moments and some good (albeit brief!) brother moments. The angst was put on hold for a bit and I felt it was nice to breathe after the previous episode.

I was pleased there was reference made to where things were left after the last episode, though it would have been nice to get a little more.

My only real quibble is the comment that Cas is "drooling". I know that's probably not meant literally, but really? Castiel, an angel of the Lord, is seemingly suffering as much, if not more, than Sam did? Considering Cas doesn't need to sleep it makes little sense to me at the moment. I mean, it COULD, if they gave us a little more info about how it might be different for Cas. For example, if Cas has taken some of Sam's broken soul (I have seen that suggested) then maybe an angel carrying a damaged soul WOULD leave an angel drooling. I could buy that. I have no issue that Cas is suffering from the crazy but I feel that it needs to be different to the way it effected Sam. I'll just have to be patient and wait until we get further info on this.

Some points:

1. It felt like the boys kept starting conversations and never completing them. Frustrating, but quite clever. The boys communicate in shorthand and in some ways it's left up to us to read between the lines. The first conversation in the car left me DESPERATE for more. We DID get Dean's concern for Sam and Sam's concern for Cas. We know Sam's not completely healed, but he's getting better (not sure how that works exactly, but I'll go with is...) Sam is feeling guilty and Dean trying to talk him out of that and then.... THEY WERE GOING TO SAY MORE...BUT THE PHONE RANG... Damn you phone!!

So the episode was dotted with these half conversations and questions and moments which ended up being a good way to keep me engaged. I kept wanting them to pick up where they left off. I liked the way the boys were connected - I think this was made more evident by having a third party around.

2. I ended up really enjoying Garth. He was a breath of fresh air and I actually enjoyed watching a character (and hunter) who was self sufficient. Everything about him screams ineffectual and yet he ended up being rather effectual. He isn't broody or melancholic. He doesn't doubt his actions. He has methods that work. He also calls it as he see it. Which I think is his most refreshing quality. More than anything I think Garth is there to give us a hunter UNLIKE Sam and Dean. By watching him we also see our boys. He's pretty much everything they aren't. Not saying he's better (at all!!) Just different.

3. I was genuinely creeped out when the Shojo appeared behind the mom. Reminded me of The Ring (my all time scariest movie). Long, black cascading hair has that effect on me. What a thing for a child to have to witness. O_o :(

4. Dean's drinking was revisited. I'm glad that hasn't been forgotten.

Though it seemed weird to me that after Sam's comment about it being like a vitamin to Dean, Dean ended up being quite drunk. Moreso than Sam. (though I'm thinking Dean drank A LOT more than Sam, so that might explain it). It might have been more telling if Dean drank a lot and didn't get drunk. In that Dean would have a higher threshold. I am not sure what their aim is with Dean's drinking. Sometimes it seems to be an issue and other times it's not mentioned at all. I'm wondering if it has been a vehicle to having Bobby's flask present rather than an issue of Dean being an alcoholic. (can't tell yet....another thing I will need to be patient about...)

5. Speaking of the flask. Hee... we at least have the answer to whether Bobby has been around! I'm not sure why I wasn't more surprised by his appearance at the end. It's been kept a fabulous secret (Jim's been quite devious on Twitter!) but when he appeared I was a little underwhelmed. Maybe because it was so obvious they were going there it just seemed right (or something) that he was there.

It was nice to see Bobby again and I rather love that he cares about the boys so much that he chose to hang around. It probably contradicts everything Bobby knows about being a ghost but I see this as no different to when Dean was about to make the choice in ep 2.01 (In My Time of Dying). He still had work to do so felt like he needed to stay. I imagine Bobby felt the same.

I'm rather excited by the conundrum that will face the boys once his presence is known to them. Do they hunt him? Do they welcome him? Will Bobby become malevolent? I rather hope they carry this through to the next season (*fingers crossed* for S8). There's so much to resolve in the next 5 eps I'm hoping that doesn't get lost in the mix.

6. Bobby is attached to Dean because Dean is attached to Bobby's flask. No wonder Sam couldn't contact him. I rather liked that reveal and I liked it EVEN MORE that they could talk about it all civilly rather than end in some yelling match. Though Dean is still suspicious of Sam I think. The trust is back...mostly. Sam keeps things from Dean to protect him but when Dean finds out that Sam did something that he doesn't know about (AND DON'T YOU LOVE THAT DEAN FEELS LIKE HE SHOULD KNOW EVERYTHING SAM DOES! OH BOYS.....co-dependent much?!) Dean is suspicious.

7. The motel room would have been more impressive if we hadn't already seen those walls in 7.14. (I spend way too much of the episode looking at the motel these days. I want to do a little post re that motel. Mostly to help me when I get to season 7 motels).

8. The car! As much as I miss the Impala (whaaaa)...I'm loving the variety of cars they are putting the boys in. In fact, Garth's car was pretty interesting also.

9. Sam was knocked out again. Sam's head is indeed made of tough stuff. (why does Sam look so pretty when he's knocked out...)

10. Drunk!Dean saying..."I missed these talks.." ha! Especially when they weren't exactly getting through an entire conversation. I'm thinking though that it might be nice for Dean to feel connected with Sam after 6 or so months of not being sure how crazy Sam was.

11. LOVE LOVE LOVED them working together at the end to kill the monster. Sam being Dean's eyes!! More than anything I love it when we get to see them like this (well, not counting hugs of course *g*).

Coming off that ep I couldn't helping thinking it much have been nice to the Js to have a bit of time off. They weren't in every scene (which I know can be a pity) but at least they got a bit of a break. Hopefully they are giving them a "break" before the next 5 eps. :)

Damn. I wrote far more than I expected to.

3 weeks until the next ep!! MEEEEEEEPPPPP! :(((

s7 episode reaction

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