Mixed bag...

Mar 29, 2012 22:20

Feeling restless so posting some stuff...

I hate it when I have a vid idea and it just won't cooperate. I know the vid is in there but the editing is much more difficult than I first expected it to be. Sometimes that's great because it's a challenge but these days I just don't seem to have the time to really nut a vid out.

That said... because that wasn't working I turned to my vid prompts and am pleased to say I have done one and it was FUN! I think I'll only ever make 15sec vids from now on. ;)

Though I am thinking about signing up for the spn_bigpretzel's Sunny Side Video Challenge I think a happy SPN vid may be in order in the future....)

And now... because 7.17 WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE.... !!

Lucifer's end game was to kill Sam yeah? Keep him awake until his internal organs gave out. Maybe even drive him to suicide. Why? What's to be gained from that?

If the hallucination is a construct of Sam's psyche then Sam is (essentially) trying to kill himself. OR if it's actually Lucifer (who has somehow attached himself to either Sam's soul or somehow found a way to get a piece of him out of the cage and attach himself to Sam) then why would be want Sam dead?

I know there has been some interesting discussion about whether Lucifer is actually a hallucination or not. If he is only a hallucination I suppose it could just be Sam driving himself insane because hell memories will do that to you. If he's not then maybe if Sam dies it allows Lucifer to somehow be released. Once Sam's soul is free from his body it might allow Lucifer to walk the earth again. As much as it would be interesting if Lucifer was somehow "real", (and probably makes more sense in terms of being transferred to Castiel), I am suspecting Show hasn't been as complex as this. Which ever way they play it I hope we get some sort of explanation about how this works. If Castiel starts going "insane" I will be truly baffled. As I said in many of my comment replies...he's an angel. I'm not sure he would effect Cas the same way he effected Sam. But we shall see I suppose.

Aaaannnnyway. I wanted to share some pics and moments...

First up I have to share something hugemind spotted (posted at spnematography) YAY SHOW for being so awesome... \o/ I LOVE THIS!


I love this shot. The graffiti is almost psychedelic. I love the way "the scream" is framed in the light (BEHIND BARS!! \o/). In the background is high mesh fencing. With the the criss crossing light, the metal guarded lamp lights with and the wire fencing there's a real sense of confinement. Shadowing what's on the way for Sam.

There's just something about Sam's vulnerability here that I love. He's just helped Marin lose her ghost brother and he knows he's in trouble. He braces for being grabbed by orderlies. I loved that Sam's injuries weren't forgotten during the episode. He was often cradling his ribs. I'm not sure if they'll pick up directly after this episode in the next, but if they do I hope the ribs aren't forgotten. (Notice his fingers on his right hand are curled. I mention that because of this next shot...)

This shot really intrigued me. I wonder why they chose to show us Sam's torn fingers. It was as though he only just noticed them. As first I thought it was something he'd done to himself in the hospital but I figure they were torn up when he was hit by the car. Curious...

Ok. So I may have watched this scene a few too many times to mention. /o\ (well, come on! That ep was a hurt!Sam feast...!) The thing I love the most (other than Sam in white!) is Sam's "...my brother..." line when he realised what was about to happen. It was like he was checking if this was ok with Dean. It really was a double curse that Sam had to put up with demons in the psych ward AS WELL as a hunt AND his hallucinations. No such thing as dealing with one problem at a time.

I am curious what happened to the body of the guard after Cas burned the demon out through his eyes (there's no consideration for the possessed body on the Show any more is there?) Did Cas beam him out of there before Sam was wheeled back to his room? Hide him maybe? (Such a lot of loose ends at the very end. The paper work to have someone admitted or released must be massive...*handwaves*)

I'm having a love/hate relationship with Sam's hair this season. There are times it seems just a bit too long and there's are times like this - when it's falling in his face with a loose strand that's begging to be brushed aside by Dean. *guh* (and he's totally rocking the unshaven look...)

And speaking of rocking...Jared totally rocked sleep deprived Sam, who accepted his fate but still wanted to help another even though he was suffering. He was both vulnerable and brave - scared and fearless. He accepting his torture to the point that we could see he was no stranger to it. So sad really...

And now (told you I was restless...) a list of unresolved stuff so far..

* The Leviathans. We still don't know what they are up to exactly: Cancer cure? food experiments? world domination through money hungry corporations (no wonder they go unnoticed...)
* Bobby's numbers. The exact location of those numbers hasn't been discovered yet. Frank had the last 2 digits wrong. Or are they even co-ordinates?
* Frank? Dead or alive...
* Ghost!Bobby (what the..? Really curious about this one)
* State of Sam's brain now it's free from Lu
* State of Cas' brain now he has Lu on board (and what role will Cas play in the future smiting of the Big Bad...)
* Dean's state of mind just coping with EVERYTHING (drinking still an issue?)
* Meg's role...
* THE IMPALA! STILL IN THE CORNER! (Poor girl! Please come back.....*weeps*)
* Dare I mention... ADAM! (still a major loose end for me...)
* Will Cas be back in the trench coat? Will he ever get it clean?
* Will Cas' "wife" notice he's missing?

Ummm...what else? Amulet?...nah...that's a long forgotten token of brotherhood. I'm sure there's other stuff...

New ep soon! \o/ I tried to spoil myself but I chickened out...

s7 musings, picspam, vidding

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