Mixed bag...

Mar 29, 2012 22:20

Feeling restless so posting some stuff ( Read more... )

s7 musings, picspam, vidding

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Comments 26

growyourwings March 29 2012, 14:26:58 UTC
On the fingernail shot. My son said he thought it was because of what the girl patient told Sam - that if he did not sleep his fingernails would fail out (as would his hair.) So my son thought this was showing that Sam's body was starting to fail. I'm not quite as sure as my son, the nails looked more like Sam had been digging at something. But I do notice on the small fingernail how cracked and dry they look - so it could be meant to show that Sam's body is starting to fail.


ash48 March 29 2012, 14:30:39 UTC
So my son thought this was showing that Sam's body was starting to fail

Oh yay! This is so brilliant! That actually makes sense. Even if it was from the accident, Sam might see it as his body breaking down.

Yes. Thank you. I KNEW there had to be a reason for that shot. It seemed too pointed to not mean anything.



deirdre_c March 29 2012, 16:29:38 UTC
I'm so sad that the Sunny Side vid challenge is scheduled right during the last push for editing Big Bangs. I know there at least a few people like me who are both vidders and writers, right? *woe*

Although, really, looking at the calendar, there are challenges going on CONSTANTLY. I guess there's really no free fannish blocks anymore.


ash48 March 30 2012, 08:06:22 UTC
Yeah... I'm sure it will put some people off being so close to BB. As I don't write I won't have that issue, though time will still be one.../o\

I think I'll sign up - Sunshine Day by The Brady Bunch might just have my name on in...;)


ruby_jelly March 29 2012, 16:32:36 UTC
This: "I tried to spoil myself but I chickened out..."

ME TOO! Ha ha ha ha :)

I was worrying about the Impala yesterday as well. Where is she? And do the boys transfer their "tools" from boot to boot? Dean carried that trench coat with him, from car to car, too? ewww.
Jared very nearly converted me into a Sam!girl this ep. I tell you, I loved his beard! But mostly, his performance really knocked it out of the park. Coloured me very impressed.


ash48 March 30 2012, 08:09:31 UTC
Hey honey!! (hope you're doing well..)

The poor Impala. I would love to know exactly where she is. Under a tarp somewhere safe I hope! I'm surprised Dean isn't more worried about her. And yeah... EWWWW the coat.

Jared very nearly converted me into a Sam!girl this ep.

Woot! He really rocked it. He's come such a long way as an actor. I'm so proud of him.



colls March 29 2012, 17:30:39 UTC
I've been wracking my brain for an idea for the sunnyside vid -- I can come up with lighthearted, but the 'sun' theme is kinda killing me.

* THE IMPALA! STILL IN THE CORNER! (Poor girl! Please come back.....*weeps*)
*weeps with you*


ash48 March 30 2012, 08:10:42 UTC
Yeah... finding a song that fits will be the tricky part. I'm thinking I might go completely corny. Not sure yet...

POOR GIRL!! :((( No one to love her...


cherry916 March 29 2012, 19:36:25 UTC
I definitely think the fingernails was from lack of sleep. Like the girl said your fingernails and hair will start to fall out and I think that was a shot to show Sam his body is failing him ( ... )


ash48 March 30 2012, 10:39:33 UTC
I think the idea that his subconscious is all over the place is interesting and I like that idea.

I definitely think this is what Lucifer would have been like in the pit. I can see that this is his memory of him - which begs the question...how will Cas see him? If it's how Sam remembers him then Cas will be getting Sam's memories....

I'm not convinced Frank is dead. I think he may well turn up as a Leviathan.... hmmm...

we shall see!



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