Mixed bag...

Mar 29, 2012 22:20

Feeling restless so posting some stuff ( Read more... )

s7 musings, picspam, vidding

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cherry916 March 29 2012, 19:36:25 UTC
I definitely think the fingernails was from lack of sleep. Like the girl said your fingernails and hair will start to fall out and I think that was a shot to show Sam his body is failing him.

I think it's interesting to talk about how since Lucifer is a hallucination it's really just Sam. Especially when Lucifer was helping with the case, but then it was really just Sam. I always say it's because his brain and subconscious are all over the place he can't focus correctly and he can't be as quick on his feet with thinking so he projected Lucifer as something to focus all his thought in.

I also think a lot of his hallucination is actual memory of Lucifer himself, I think you would have to have some recollection of knowledge of how he acts and what he says to hallucinate him. I really don't think Sam would hallucinate Lucifer singing if he had the power, In actually think Lucifer acted like that in the pit with Sam. I think a lot of it is Sam just remembering Lucifer from the pit.

I think Frank isn't dead. I have two theories. A) He faked his own death because he's really paranoid or B) He was taken by the Leviathans

Why? Because Frank was too smart and paranoid just to be caught off guard. I think the Leviathans may have him because Frank knows alot and can find out alot and can be used to their advantage to some degree.


ash48 March 30 2012, 10:39:33 UTC
I think the idea that his subconscious is all over the place is interesting and I like that idea.

I definitely think this is what Lucifer would have been like in the pit. I can see that this is his memory of him - which begs the question...how will Cas see him? If it's how Sam remembers him then Cas will be getting Sam's memories....

I'm not convinced Frank is dead. I think he may well turn up as a Leviathan.... hmmm...

we shall see!



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