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Comments 28

azziria March 31 2012, 13:42:03 UTC
I so enjoyed Garth in this episode, the writers - and the actor - pitched him just right. You started off thinking that he was going to be annoying and nerdy and ineffectual and downright irritating, and then he turned out to be quirky and smart and really, really brave. He grew on me, just like Dean said he would :)


ash48 March 31 2012, 13:54:36 UTC
Yeah. I was worried at first what they were going to do with him (go the way of Becky for example..) but he ended up being pretty cool in his...um...uncoolness. :D

And his puppet did make me laugh out loud I have to confess...


counteragent March 31 2012, 14:44:24 UTC


ash48 April 1 2012, 11:02:59 UTC


callistosh65 March 31 2012, 14:54:04 UTC
He grew on me too - mind you, I liked him first time around. The episode was truly a blast of fresh air after all the heavy ansgt of last week - though Sam getting rid of Lucifer is taking me a bit to get used to. Show seemed to blink and get through it awful quick, what with poor Cas left drooling..


ash48 April 1 2012, 11:05:19 UTC
I didn't mind him the first time around either. Though I honestly didn't expect to see him again. I was worried at first, but I liked him rather a lot by the end. :)

Yeah... Sam getting rid of Lu should have been a big deal. After all, he's been dealing with him all season. And now he's not. (Though he didn't see 100% so many there's still stuff going on with him).

We'll see I suppose..


debbiel66 March 31 2012, 15:03:06 UTC
Your ramblings were so much more coherent than mine, but very similar, actually! I liked this episode for the reasons you stated...and even Garth.

The boys working together was my favorite part. Except for that ending....


ash48 April 1 2012, 11:06:23 UTC
Ha! I never feel like they are when I post. <3

Oooh.... didn't like the ending? Which bit? Ghost!Bobby?


phx69 March 31 2012, 15:17:12 UTC
I loved the irony that Dean was the only sober one when they actually faced off against the monster :P As for his drunkness earlier, he was drinking much more than Sam. If you watch, you'll notice that Sam drinks more slowly so it made sense to me that Dean got quite drunk. That and for the first time in a long time, he was probably actually enjoying letting himself get drunk for pleasure instead of as an escape.

I didn't think Dean was suspicious of Sam trying to contact Bobby, just more surprised that Sam had gone that far. Plus, c'mon, Dean had to know that, like John, he wasn't exactly giving off any 'let's talk' vibes here. IF he been less focused on Dick and revenge, he would have known, I am sure. And I think that was part of Dean's look as well. I don't think that he realized just how focused he had been on everything else. It was something else about his little brother that he had missed :) That was my take anyways....


ash48 April 1 2012, 11:14:50 UTC
Hee... yeah. Dean being the sober one at the end was a nice play on their situation. And I felt that Dean was drinking a lot more in that scene... and enjoying the chance to do so!

And good point re Dean. You know, I think I still have my head in S4 and 5 sometimes. I know they've moved on from there.

And yeah, Dean was in a pretty bad head space as well during that time, and even though sam was, quite literally, in a bad head space he saw the sense to look into the disappearing beer. Because he's awesome like that...



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