I had an urge to post...

Mar 03, 2012 22:14

...probably because it's supposed to be an episode reaction. But it's not, because there's ANOTHER GODDAMN HIATUS!! Boo hiss boo ( Read more... )

question, blah, blog

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Comments 39

si_star_x March 3 2012, 14:23:45 UTC
I wish I could answer these questions, but - the last one... uh... my head!canon says yes. *amused*


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:18:40 UTC
Hee... ah yes. My head!canon has all sorts of things that are true!



elliemurasaki March 3 2012, 14:37:32 UTC

Shower things--not in canon, since we've only seen evidence of four showers in canon that I can think of (Bugs, Hell House, Mystery Spot, Lazarus Rising), but it's a reasonable extrapolation.

Frances. FrancES. Once. Right after Sam used the ID of a cop named Frances. Does nobody watch the DVD extras?

First aid--Sam sewed himself up in Mystery Spot and Last Summer, does that count?


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:26:52 UTC
Grrrr... lost comment....

I did watch the DVD extra and knew that was why Dean called Sam Frances (ooh, I wrote Francis didn't I?), but that was the only time I could recall Dean calling Sam something like a girl's name. (Even though it actually wasn't). From an answer below it looks like Dean's been referred to as "princess" twice and Sam once.

And for the time being those two (far too rare moments) of Sam stitching himself up will have to count. I always imagine their first aid kit could have to be HUGE!


greenpear March 3 2012, 14:43:41 UTC
You do understand why there's a hiatus every March?

They don't want to compete with the March Madness Basketball games. They always found it was a losing effort.


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:27:41 UTC
AH!! Thank you. I had no idea. I've seen "March Madness" referred to around the place but had no idea it was related to that.



greenpear March 4 2012, 14:33:36 UTC
literally every show goes on hiatus in March. This country seems to have a fixation with College Basketball and they've found that schedules got crazy and there were problems between viewers. They just decided to run repeats in March and pick back up in April (or late May).

Fringe is on a four week hiatus also...


amnisias March 3 2012, 14:59:24 UTC
To me, most of those are fanfic tropes. And in my personal option, some of those tropes are fairly annoying. They might have been really clever the first time they were used, but now have morphed into tokenism, as a short-cut to ACTUALLY bringing the characters to live.


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:32:13 UTC
That was my feeling. Though a couple of those I really thought I might have missed (like John saying "suck it up").

I find it interesting that those fanfic tropes have been adopted by so many writers. The shower one is particularly popular. I suppose it makes sense, (though I wouldn't have thought hot water would have been an issue in motels) to try and create a real environment for the characters.



amnisias March 4 2012, 11:32:52 UTC
I suppose it makes sense,(...) to try and create a real environment for the characters.

I would argue that in order to truly create a belivable environment for the characters (or belivable characters) you need to come with new and individual ways of describing those environments rather than falling back on over-used tropes. Beacause in real life, people don't really experience the same kind of thing over and over, and don't say the same thing over and over (unless they actually do, on the show, or they are a game show host). What you have to do as a writer is to think about the actual physical environment and what it would be like. If you want to bring 'shabby motel' to live there are a million ways to go, e.g. strained bed sheets, bugs, faulty lamps, squeeky doors ....People chose showers because it's an established trope and because showers neatly introduce naked bodies into the scenario. ;)

Also would like to appologize for sudden increase in spelling mistakes, my LJ spell check function has been playing up the last few days.


ash48 March 4 2012, 13:51:29 UTC
I agree. I do love it when I read something new or different. Or a different take on the trope - especially if the writer twists it somehow. On the other hand, it can sometimes be comforting. Familiar. As if we are all agreeing that this is the norm. I'm sure if Dean ever calls Sam "princess" or complains about his hair, or complains about him taking all the hot water then it'll feel so right we'll probably not notice (or jump for joy *g*).

because showers neatly introduce naked bodies into the scenario.

and for that showers are always welcome...;)


galwithglasses March 3 2012, 15:17:15 UTC
I have no idea on any of those. There probably needs to be a community like storyfinders or whatwasthatbook to ask the occasional question like this. It's funny how some things in fics show up in so many stories that I've unintentionally turned them into canon in my head.


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:34:33 UTC
See... that's the thing. I think I've read some of that stuff so many times I'm confused what's canon and what's not (though that's probably more to do with my age /o\).



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