I had an urge to post...

Mar 03, 2012 22:14

...probably because it's supposed to be an episode reaction. But it's not, because there's ANOTHER GODDAMN HIATUS!! Boo hiss boo ( Read more... )

question, blah, blog

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Comments 39

boggiecat March 3 2012, 15:17:32 UTC
I wish I had your gift with attention to detail. I think I just get all swoony every time Sam comes on the screen and my attention about anything else goes out the window!

I'm glad I saw your post cos I was actually panicking that there was an ep last night and I'd missed it, cos on superwiki it says the next ep is ep 17, on 17 March I think, but I've only seen to ep 15, repo man. I think I heard ep 16 was going to be on 10th march, but now superwiki is saying next ep (17)is on 17th March.... I think. If that makes any sense at all....

just ignore me, I'm getting withdrawals from spn and need a fix, so might just go watch season one again!




ash48 March 4 2012, 06:36:09 UTC
Hee... in this case it was just boredom. Or the need to talk about the show because I'm missing it. :))

Yeah, I don't think it's back until the 17th. It was earlier, but then they moved it later. BOO!

Oh and I get the withdrawal thing.



chemm80 March 3 2012, 18:03:15 UTC
I'm pretty sure the answer to all of those questions is no ( ... )


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:44:10 UTC
I'm pretty sure the answer to all of those questions is no.

Yeah, I thought as much. But after reading some of this stuff so many times I felt sure I'd missed some of them.

The hot water one is always curious to me. I've always thought motels and hotels had an endless supply of hot water. Unless each room has it's own (little) hot water tank.

I imagined they were just extrapolations. I'm curious how some of it has become SO commonplace in fanfic that it almost becomes comfortable. Boys return from a hunt and one takes all the hot water... Another one I just thought of was Dean complaining about the length of Sam's hair. I can't recall if Dean has ever mentioned the length of Sam's hair.

I think we think too much about this stuff.

HA!! I know I do! Especially when I want an ep on my telly. :DD

Thanks hun.

(Oh, and I just finished listening to Hail Mary. LOVED it!! The reading is PERFECT! <33)


chemm80 March 4 2012, 18:38:32 UTC
Another one I just thought of was Dean complaining about the length of Sam's hair. I can't recall if Dean has ever mentioned the length of Sam's hair.I was thinking about that, too, along with Dean calling Sam a "girl" or "princess" etc. I honestly can't recall him saying that directly to Sam, although you see it ALL the time in fic. Maybe it's more of the attitude, especially Dean's scorn for emotional displays..."no chick flick moments"..."I'll lay my head gently on your shoulder"..."we'll hug and talk about our feelings"..."oh man, we're not going to have to hug now, are we?" and so on. And realistically Sam was much more in touch with his feelings in Seasons 1 and 2 than Dean, who chose to express his anger and grief by beating the shit out of the Impala. Even in S4, Sam was still trying to get Dean to open up about what happened to him in Hell. After he went to Hell, himself, however, he had hardened considerably ( ... )


el1ie March 3 2012, 22:05:49 UTC
I don't think Dean has called Sam 'princess' (or Samantha), but a bar tender once did and Dean has been called 'princess' twice, not sure why Sam gets the tag more often in fic. As for the others, mostly fanon I'm pretty sure, the only other thing would be Dean commenting on 'cold showers' in that season 7 episode with the weird sandwiches and the semi-functioning bathroom in the squat house for Time after Time.

Edited to add - Dean does actually say "Get in the car, princess" but he's talking to Kali and not Sam - or at least I think he is...


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:46:47 UTC
Ah... so they have been called "princess", but not by each other. Cool. I was sure I'd heard the term, but wasn't sure if it was from them or not.

And yeah... I suspected that a lot of it is fanon. I don't actually mind it, it's just curious to me how many write about it.



el1ie March 4 2012, 09:53:18 UTC
It is curious and amazing fascinating to log these fanon bits of character and situation that seems to become an almost established theme in a lot of fics. I think most of the time it's very much because those things ring true to so many and then when something happens in the show that totally contradicts fanon it's like there's eruptions in the force!

Episodes that show flash backs usually run the risk of this, but eventually even those contradictions get their own explanations and fanon stumbles through it and works again. The one that still sticks a big spanner in the works for me is "After School Special" there are parts of that episode I refuse to acknowledge AT ALL! ( ... )


ash48 March 4 2012, 11:04:45 UTC
I actually find it quite comforting that there's this acceptance of what things might be like outside of canon. And when it keeps occurring in fic it serves to reinforce that this is how it is. :)

Ooh... I'm curious now about the big spanner in the works in AAS for you.....???? Personally I don't recall any moments of WTF for me...(except the motw resolution).

Sam's height has been mentioned a few times now. I don't think it was referred to at all in S1 (might be wrong...). I think Dean first referred to Sam as sasquatch (and therefore his height) in Playthings ( again, I might be wrong as I'm going purely from memory...). Hee... I love that gif..:))

Have I told you how much I love your brain on hiatus?

Hee! On man.. wait to you see my S4 motel picspam. Now THAT has taken some brain power.... (and here I was thinking it would be quicker than making a vid..../o\ *g*)



feather_touch March 4 2012, 00:09:59 UTC
Don't hold back about how you really feel about hiatus.


ash48 March 4 2012, 06:47:30 UTC

They are my most favourite thing in the world. Can't you tell?



(The comment has been removed)

ash48 March 4 2012, 10:01:02 UTC
I know! Such a bummer.... (it really does serve as a pick me up doesn't it?!)

Hee... I love that icon. You know, when I was naming it (in my user pics) I meant to type "unicorn rainbow "... instead I typed "unicorn rainbutt". Um...hee.. makes sense so I kept it. Makes me smile when I post it. :))


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