I had an urge to post...

Mar 03, 2012 22:14

...probably because it's supposed to be an episode reaction. But it's not, because there's ANOTHER GODDAMN HIATUS!! Boo hiss boo!!

So instead, a completely inane and pointless post.

There are things that are said or occur in fanfic regularly enough that it makes me wonder if I actually missed the references in canon. (I have seriously wondered these.... )

1. Did John ever tell his boys to "suck it up"? (or direct reference made to him saying that in the past). Or has Dean ever said that to Sam?

2. Have either of the boys ever run out of hot water while having a shower?

3. Have either of the boys ever called first dibs on the shower? Or said "don't take all the hot water"?

4. Has Dean ever called Sam "Samantha"? Or Princess? (I know Dean's called Sam "Francis" but the others...?)

5. Have we ever seen their first aid kit?

6. Have they ever kissed which has led to amazing sex? yeah...ignore that...

ETA (another one I thought of) Has Dean ever complained about Sam's long hair?

See? Completely inane. (It's been a looooooooong day. Without my show to pick me up. That's my excuse anyway...)

Carry on.

question, blah, blog

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