One for the arty types on my flist...

Mar 04, 2012 21:25

Can someone tell me if this is an art "style". If this mural is perhaps homaging an artist or style of art?

There's just something about the way these totem poles are painted, the wing in the top right corner, the foliage snaking its way up the wall, the colour of the background etc. that makes me feel this isn't some random choice. I feel like I love it because it reminds me of something.

Sorry it's not a better capture. We don't get a better shot of that wall - though it features in the background in many of the shots (just not very clearly).

And if you think I've become obsessed......then... darn tootin'! I figure if I'm going to do something then I may as well be thorough about it. (I promise I'll shut up when I'm done... )

question, geekery, motels

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