Random post is ...

Mar 09, 2012 23:14

... very random.

It's Friday night. There's no SPN tomorrow (again BOOOOO!!!! How is this hiatus worse than the last?!!), it's been a stressful week (I'm now feeling pleasantly buzzed though...) and I haz random thoughts...

How do I get those fandom "mood" style thingies? Those little rectangle mood gifs? Is there a place to go to get those? I can't believe I (still) feel so newbie about LJ stuff. What the? I've been here for 5 years... /o\

There are times I really want to comment on a flister's post but because I don't know that person that well I feel like I'm intruding. Weird.

I've been working on a picspam that has taken more time than any other fandom thing I have done. I thought vidding was time consuming (which it is...) but this has been such a massive learning curve that it's taken twice as long as anything else. I suppose if I look back to my first vid and that learning curve, then it's probably a bit the same. I've made picspams before but this is, idk...more thorough or something (and the coding has been killing me....)

I need a way to remember all the fic I want to read. I often save them to memories in my "to read" file...but then that file gets so big I'm too afraid to got back. In short....just not enough time.

I talked about fan fiction to my class today. I have a student who is obsessed with Twilight and she is writing stories about the characters. She is an amazing 12 year old who struggles to put pen to paper - (quite literally, as she has cerebral palsy). It triggered a discussion about taking characters we love and writing about them. Interestingly, I then had many of my boys writing Black Ops stories. (I take it there are gaming fics? I have no idea..). Anything that gets them writing or reading works for me. :)

I hope you are all well. I have been reminded lately how fragile life is. How intolerance and prejudice are possibly the worst of all human traits. But I've also seen how compassion and tolerance are the best. Man...if we could all only aim for the best....

random, blog

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