Mix bag 'o stuff...

Mar 01, 2012 21:10

First. A motel curiosity.

I rather delight in finding things like this (come on... you know me by now...*g*)

I'm working on Season 4 motel info at the moment (still..) and recognised this blue rose (this from 4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer).

Look familiar?

This is the motel Sam stayed in in 2.10 Hunted.

The thing is, both motels are called the Blue Rose Motel (that tiny card...or whatever that is called on table in 4.09...is ALL we get for the name. Thank goodness for HD caps...). I'm pretty damn sure they are not the same motel as the decor is COMPLETELY different. It's just curious that they decided to not only use the same rose but give the motel the same name. I'd love to think it was a deliberate attempt to link Sam being hunted in 2.10 because of his powers and Sam actually using his powers (in fact the birth of his real powers) in 4.09. That would be cool.

Couple of other things:

A while back I was trying to confirm the name of this motel. I've had it confirmed as The Aviary. (Supernatural Companion).

Non motel related. Jim Michael, producer of SPN, confirmed that the flashback scene in Repo Man takes place in S3. (Linked to twitter comment posted atall_spn) Curious that some of the comments say "duh" it's obvious. I didn't think it was that obvious actually. As a year had passed when S6 started the SPN timeline is pretty messy.

And um...(completely unrelated to all the above..) I've started listening to A Kept Boy (by poisontaster). I love the podficcer's reading, the writing is great and I love the premise, but... um... can someone tell me what I'm in for with this? As in - it's very Jensen focused and as much as I love Jensen in fics I do need a healthy does of Jared. I'm not sure how I'd go with a pure Jensen/Jeff fic. Ack! I'm torn...

question, motels, mixed bag

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