I get it now!

Nov 20, 2011 21:58

Remember I was asking a while back what was up with Bobby?

7.09 spoilers with added thinky )

s7 musings, not!meta

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ash48 November 20 2011, 14:31:02 UTC
Hee.. I hope they make some sense. I got all thinky tonight. :D



sm0kingbunny November 20 2011, 14:18:32 UTC
owww, I totally agree with you on this. Personally I think hope, that Edlund didn't kill Bobby but if he's dead, Dean has every reason to be back in the game.


ash48 November 20 2011, 14:32:20 UTC
Yeah... it's interesting I think. Looking back Dean seems to always find reasons to get back into the game. Often he wants to throw it all in but something keep dragging him back.

We shall see. :)


geckoholic November 20 2011, 14:29:02 UTC
I read somewhere else that Bobby didn't mean to say they're less than a regular person, or should expect less from their lives, but that they're more. That they're a different brand of people, BECAUSE they don't let all of that shit they're wading through kick them down. That they know it ends bloody or sad or likely both, and still do what needs to be done to protect the happy bubble of everyone else. And yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense to me, because I can't see Bobby demanding of Dean to give a part of him up; he's trying to remind him of what kind of person he has to be to even bother doing that job, keep fighting.

And I can't see Dean firing up and flinging himself into the fight if they loose Bobby. He's so down, and I don't think he'd be able to gather the momentum that would take. No, if Bobby dies, Dean's going to loose his footing.


ash48 November 20 2011, 14:40:18 UTC
*nods* I never got the sense that it was about becoming less of a person. Neither about shedding everything that makes them humane or good people. Just that as you said. They are different. They aren't normal. I actually really love that turn of phrase though - "not a person". He could have said "you're not a normal person" - but to reduce it to just "person" speaks more to me.

I was totally riding the "Dean will totally shut down if Bobby is dead" car. And he well might. I would kinda love to see that. I can imagine him just saying "no. Not gonna hunt any more". Then he'd have to witness what happens while he sits and does nothing. OR he has renewed focus and realises it's going to end bloody or sad no matter what he does so he better just suck it up and get out there.

I can't imagine any choice will be a "happy" choice. The show revolves around hunts so he'll have to find a way to get back into it somehow.

The next ep will (hopefully!) give us those answers.



geckoholic November 20 2011, 15:58:05 UTC
Yeah, it did have more impact. Dean knows he's not normal, but using person? NGH.

Oh man, yeah, but with all the hints they've been laying about Dean being at the end of his rope? I really hope they won't wrap it up like that. And the Leviathans are already personal, they offed Cas, so. I don't think I would buy into Dean suddenly ponying up and getting bent on revenge, I just can't see that he's got the energy left to do that, is my point.


ash48 November 20 2011, 22:52:00 UTC
ACK! Yes! Of course it was already personal! /o\

And I think you're right. I can't see Dean drumming up the energy for revenge at the moment. If he didn't have it after Cas then he won't have it after Bobby. In fact... it will most likely be the nail. *wibble*

Thanks hun!


galwithglasses November 20 2011, 14:51:03 UTC
As soon as I stopped yelling noooooo at the screen, I thought, ok, Dean, there's your reason. I don't know if he'll be able to pull it together though. I think even though it was harsh how Bobby approached the talk with Dean, Dean's more likely to respond to that than a touchy, feely, feelings discussion. He's lucky he got Dean to listen to even that.


ash48 November 20 2011, 22:55:38 UTC
Oh yes. Dean listens to gruff Bobby laying it down as he sees it. He did a similar thing when Sam was drink demon blood. "Family is supposed to hurt" Or some such thing.

I wonder how much Dean will remember of that after this turn of events. I think he will (should) have a damn hard time holding it together.


maenad November 20 2011, 15:06:22 UTC
Nicely put ( ... )


ash48 November 21 2011, 13:43:14 UTC
Oh damn yes. Well put!

I think I might well agree with you here. Sam's been the one bent on revenge (Dad, Jess, Dean) whereas Dean has always seen the hunt as the big picture of helping people. A job that he was born to and melded to.

It seems that Dean is becoming more and more disillusioned with the hunt (as Sam was as a teen) and Sam seems more connected to it (as Dean was as a teen). It's often been mused that they are role reversing as the show goes on. Maybe this is another step in that direction.

It will be interesting to see exactly what happens now. Dean drew Sam back into the hunt with a meaningful goal so maybe it's Sam's turn to bring Dean into the with some a goal that makes sense to Dean. I mean,he has to be brought into the hunt some how. Unless the show takes a turn and it's no longer a MoTW show. I see Sam as being instrumental in helping Dean find his feet. Especially with the effort they have gone to to make us see that Sam is all right ( ... )


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