I get it now!

Nov 20, 2011 21:58

Remember I was asking a while back what was up with Bobby?

It really bothered me that Bobby didn't react more strongly to his house burning down. That he was cool as a cucumber, ready to move on. It seemed robotic, not emotional enough. (Bad writing even). But now, after saying this to Dean:

You're not a person and Now, you get a case of the Anne Sextons, something's gonna come up behind you and rip your fool head off.

It makes more sense. Bobby was acting like the "not person" he was talking to Dean about. The one Dean needs to become.

I don't think this is about not being humane. Or human. It's just about acknowledging that as a hunter you don't have the luxury of reacting like a "normal" person. You can't think too hard about what it all means. You can't let yourself drown in the horror and sadness of it all. You don't get to have hopes and dreams like a normal person because it just doesn't work like that.

Sam seems to have worked that out. (I actually think he worked that out quite a while ago. Before hell even). Dean probably should know it but I think he's still holding onto an ideal. A belief that it can actually all be over one day. That the baddies will just stop coming. I think he probably still holds that it ends either "bloody or sad" but I think he probably feels that it doesn't have to. They've survived the worst. Surely it can just stop now.

It's remarkably sad. Neither boys are "people". Normal people don't survive hell, don't survive the losses these boys have. They don't know about the monsters out there. Normal people make plans for the future. Ones that aren't just about surviving day to day (and yes, yes... I am WELL aware they aren't actually real people but I love that the show treats them as though they are. They are heroes with all those real people flaws that make them so interesting).

Something else I've changed my mind about. If Bobby is dead I thought it might be the tipping point for Dean - the thing that triggers his meltdown (it feels like that's where we're heading). But Bobby also said to Dean:

Now, you find your reasons to get back in the game.

If Bobby is dead, Dean has just found his reasons. Revenge is a powerful motivator. It's the thing most hunters seem driven by. Up until now the leviathans have just been another big bad. If they've killed (or even seriously maimed) Bobby then they've just made it personal. Dean may well pull himself together BECAUSE he now has a reason to be back in the game.

Hmmmm... not sure. I can see that it could go a couple of different ways. Which ever way it goes I'm impressed that they've managed to find some new angst, some new character arcs for the boys this season.

s7 musings, not!meta

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