7.09 Ep reaction.. (mini spam also..)

Nov 19, 2011 17:08

Holy HELL!! What?! Did they? Did they REEEEAAALLLY?

I shouted BASTARDS at the screen as soon as it finished. HOW DARE THEY LEAVE IT THERE?!?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! WE HAVE TO WAIT 2 WEEKS NOW! Whaaaaaa

Then it really sunk in. BOBBBBYYYYYYY!!!!! Would they really kill Bobby? O_o

You know something? THEY WOULD! The really would.

I have no idea why I'm not more stressed/upset about that but I'm strangely ok with it. I enjoy and like Bobby. I do. I think he's a fine character but if Show sticks to their true form it makes perfect sense that they kill him off. This show has always been about the brothers fighting the fight by themselves. Sure, they have had much needed help along the way, but essentially they kill off characters to reinforce the fact that they really ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER. And I KINDA LOVE THAT! It's Show being consistent. And I love that they have the guts to do it. (even with potential fan backlash).

And what a time remove the last remaining extended family member. Just when Dean is hitting a massive low point. This will be the thing that finally tips him over won't it?!

I have no idea what Dean breaking down will look like. Giving up the hunt completely will be my guess. Maybe drowning in a bottle? I CAN'T WAIT to see what shape that will take.

When Show does stuff like this is really excites me. I was genuinely scared for Bobby in this. I had a real feeling that he was going to buy it when he was in Dick's office. The whole ep felt like a farewell. The writer's gave him some awesome scenes (bit like their treatment of Ellen and Jo) and it felt like a fitting end. If it is indeed the end.

Of course, I have NO IDEA if it IS the end. I am unspoiled. I haven't caught any whispers about Jim leaving the show. Which is fabulous.

Alrighty roo. Particular stuff I loved:

1. The whole ep. The way it was structured. A hunt for a monster that didn't turn out to be the monster they thought they were hunting. The unraveling mystery. Hunters acting like real hunters. I also loved the directing. (checks who directed it... YAY GUY BEE!!! \o/ I think he's my fav of them all (*g*)

2. The OPENING SCENE. A bed and a TV in a tent!! \o/ (My motto when hubby and I travel around AUs was "there is no need to be uncomfortable". HA! That was taking it to a whole new level!)

3. Bobby. Just - everything. He was a hunter before he became a hunter. He shot the monster after sensing it WITH HIS EYES CLOSED! He listened to each other the boys. He was just damn awesome.

4. Sam. I love that he thinks people have it worse. Really Sam? Really? Not many folks have Lucifer locked in their heads. Or suffered they way you have. You are such a goddamn hero.

I LOVE LOVE that he had a chance to voice his concerns for Dean. *sigh* Dean sleeps and they discuss him. Bobby is so there for Sam (yay! Especially ater everything Sam and Bobby have been through). Sam seems to be in a great place to pick up Dean when he no doubt falls.

5. Dean. Oh Dean. Fed up, tired, loopy, battle weary Dean. I really like that they didn't let Dean go overboard in his "high" state. They could have totally played that for laughs and I am SO GLAD they didn't. Sure, a few lighter moments but not ridiculous. Great contrast for that deep seated despondence.

Bobby also had a chance to try and get Dean out of his funk. But it will take more that a few "snap out of it" words. *sniff* "you're not a person". Whaaaa. Sam knows it. He's accepted it. Looks like Dean needs to accept it too. *hugs him*

6. Sam and Bobby digging around inside that monsters stomach! EEWWWWWWW And Dean mentioning that he's hungry. (We knew something was up then yeah?!).

7. Ooozing burger! Double EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW

8. Experiments! I know. I'm kinda sick like that. But something about evil scientists experimenting just makes me rub my hands in glee. *muwhahaaa*

9. DICK!! I LOVE THIS BADDY! He's SO smarmy and corporate. So conceited and confident and deliciously nasty. Initially it bothered me that he left Bobby unrestrained in his office but then thought it made sense because he is SO sure of himself. The thought of Bobby escaping just wasn't a consideration.

10. BIBBING. Ha!! It's a THING.! A nasty, nasty way to die. (Oh show...I love the way you amuse and shock me at the same time).

11. THE END!!! ACK! Even though the ep had a sense of foreboding about it I seriously didn't think we'd be in for that ending. If Bobby is dead this is seriously going to damage the boys. (Him losing his house makes more sense now too...).

I will mourn Bobby's passing when it's confirmed he's actually dead. And even if he is that doesn't mean we won't see him again.

12. And now, a mini spam because there was just something about this scene I loved. Just something about the way they were carrying their guns. Walking, talking, hunting. The way it was shot.

I love the framing of this shot. The hunting family.

*guh* Sammy

I love that they each have their own way of holding their guns.

And let's just spend a moment..... *sniff*

Hat... very appropriate :(((

s7 episode reaction

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