I get it now!

Nov 20, 2011 21:58

Remember I was asking a while back what was up with Bobby?

7.09 spoilers with added thinky )

s7 musings, not!meta

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maenad November 20 2011, 15:06:22 UTC
Nicely put. :)

I'm not sure I buy the idea of Dean as revenge-driven, though. It's never really worked long-term motivation for him. He growls about it and makes the occasional declaration ... but it doesn't seem to hold in his mind for very long.

Hunting down the yellow-eyed demon? Well, yes. Obviously. They'll get to it one of these days - oh, look, a case! Lilith? Well, not much point now he's alive again, is there? Samuel? Well, if he sees him, sure. But he's not going to go looking ...

One of the most important things Sam learnt was that focusing on revenge was more hurtful than helpful - there was always another enemy to take out, always someone else who'd ruined their lives. Once he switched from that to 'making amends' and on from there to simply 'doing good' when there were no more amends to make, he pulled himself together in a hurry and has been coping very well ever since.

Dean used to have that sense of purpose, in the early days - he was the one with the long-term idea of helping people through hunting, where Sam had a series of concrete goals - but it was based on an overly simple view of the world. He needs to find a sense of the world being worth saving as it is, rather than as he wanted it to be. If he does try out revenge, I think it'll be a blind alley he'll have to come out of. :)


ash48 November 21 2011, 13:43:14 UTC
Oh damn yes. Well put!

I think I might well agree with you here. Sam's been the one bent on revenge (Dad, Jess, Dean) whereas Dean has always seen the hunt as the big picture of helping people. A job that he was born to and melded to.

It seems that Dean is becoming more and more disillusioned with the hunt (as Sam was as a teen) and Sam seems more connected to it (as Dean was as a teen). It's often been mused that they are role reversing as the show goes on. Maybe this is another step in that direction.

It will be interesting to see exactly what happens now. Dean drew Sam back into the hunt with a meaningful goal so maybe it's Sam's turn to bring Dean into the with some a goal that makes sense to Dean. I mean,he has to be brought into the hunt some how. Unless the show takes a turn and it's no longer a MoTW show. I see Sam as being instrumental in helping Dean find his feet. Especially with the effort they have gone to to make us see that Sam is all right.

In some ways it would be a shame if they fall back into revenge as a motivator, especially as we have been there. Maybe they'll play on it - they'll see that's it can't be about revenge as that never ends well.

Thanks hun. Your thinky always makes me extra thinky... <33


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