So I might have the right to be worried about this English class, but right now, I love it. 15 kids, just talking about really good literature. And not in the way that you do in high school, in this way that you feel really passionate about. The kind that relates to you.
I'm really excited, my dorm actually looks really pretty. First time I'm actually happy with it.
On another note, it was really a stupid idea becoming an English major. I have to read nine books for one class. Just one. And on top of that I have four other classes. I'm never going to leave my dorm.
Update: My life is camp. Its amazing and stressful all at the same time. But I feel so close to all the people there and I laugh in great amounts every day.
That is all.
Ps. Send me mail it would make me smile. 92 McCormick Rd, Spencer MA
Soo, first two days of camp I wanted to kill myself. But now I feel a whole lot better. I'm meeting tons of nice people, laughing a lot, and dealing with a ton of psycho horses. I have my own cabin with 8 8-10 year old girls. I hope it goes well.