I am an ass.

Aug 13, 2016 11:13

Dear Flist Friends ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

theimpossiblegl August 13 2016, 15:41:48 UTC
You're not an ass. Life happens, hon. Can you get an extension, or are things that cray-cray right now?


arwitchywoman August 13 2016, 16:27:18 UTC
They are fairly cray-cray, and it's going to take me a while to work in the time to complete this. Life does happen, but that doesn't change that I made a commitment.


birdsofshore August 13 2016, 15:43:15 UTC
Please don't be hard on yourself, Helena. I think most people have had to drop a fest at some point in their fandom lives - I know I have, several times. Stuff happens, sometimes we overextend ourselves, sometimes unexpected things occur, or sometimes you just can't get to grips with the prompt when it comes down to it. You've let the mods know and that's all anyone can do.


arwitchywoman August 13 2016, 16:28:20 UTC
That makes me feel better. I know others have dropped, and this is the first I've done so with. I just hate that someone depended upon me for something, and right now I'm too burned out to figure out what to do.


toblass August 13 2016, 15:50:12 UTC
Don't be so hard on yourself, hon. RL sometimes gets in the way. ❤️❤️❤️


arwitchywoman August 13 2016, 16:28:38 UTC
I know you have my back, darling. xoxoxo


beffeysue August 13 2016, 15:52:59 UTC
Dear heart, you are most certainly not an ass. You are only guilty of being human just like the rest of us. Sometimes LIFE (and her Timepiece) has other plans for us, and being stronger than our best intentions can ever be, SHE wins out. Don't be so hard on yourself.


arwitchywoman August 13 2016, 16:29:18 UTC
Thank you, Beffey. I've wanted to shatter that timepiece against the wall lately!


too_dle_oo August 13 2016, 16:03:32 UTC
Life happens! Don't worry about it. Everyone's hit the wall with writing at some point!!


arwitchywoman August 13 2016, 16:29:52 UTC
That's what is happening here. When I've found a few moments to write, my brain is spinning with so much other stuff.


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