I am an ass.

Aug 13, 2016 11:13

Dear Flist Friends:

Recently I claimed a prompt on two different fests. I've been very excited about both.

Only one fest piece is being submitted and I've messaged the moderator of the other fest with my apologies. This past month I've had on average one evening a week and maybe four hours a weekend to apply towards any fun hobby, which I consider writing to be a part of.

I've claimed a prompt which others may have wanted and could not get, and now that prompt won't be filled. I've barely been able to write 1K words for it, and I'm nowhere close to being finished.

I don't take this lightly - the moderators go to a great deal of trouble to put together these fests. There really isn't an excuse - I should not have allowed my excitement to get the better of me and I should have only taken on one promise at a time.


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