The Game Is Up

Jan 24, 2006 22:07

As you may have noted from my posts, I was back on track with Project Homuncupunk for a while in the middle of January. However, my research was my undoing. In an effort to work out the problems with the weaponry, I looked at my firearms references. Unfortunately, the only ones I have are this and this. Unsurprisingly, I then ended up getting back on a d20 Modern fix. This has lasted perhaps almost a week now.

The focus has been the "Island of Dr. Mordenkainen" one-shot. I like this one because, unlike the other two, I have a very clear way to do it. It's just a bunch of magically engineered supermen infiltrating the island and duking it out with magically engineered super[CLASSIFIED]s. In the other two, I was trying to do different things inspired by horror movies and the "survival horror" genre of video games (e.g. the Biohazard series), although I have very little knowledge or experience with either, and it wasn't working very well. Unfortunately, "IDM" is also the highest-level of the three, and thus the most difficult to organize so that players know what they're doing. This is particularly significant in my case, because I don't have access to many friends in the area who play RPGs. This is why I have constantly resorted to trying to rope in unwilling players. As you can see here, these people have been mostly resistant to showing up regularly, so it's hard to get them familiarized with rules. I do, however, have a small cadre of "élite" players-or at least not untrained conscripts.
  • blitzcon is far more communicative than any of my friends (except arifyn), but does not have any specific plans for ever coming back to Indiana.
  • Cheesecutter is in Bloomington, he isn't on LiVEJOURNAL, and he's never answered a single email I've sent him.
  • lokodraucarn, unfortunately, is almost impossible to reach online, his house's phone does not work properly, and he does not seem to receive messages from the machine. I should just call him on his cell to waste his money. Still, I am constantly frustrated by the unwillingness of people to use proper technology. As you all know, I am absolutely terrible at any form of verbal communication, and I don't appreciate having to call up every single player individually to try and organize things, then call the others back when I get the information from the latest person, and so on.
  • orbix lives out of town and doesn't seem at all responsive on email or LiVEJOURNAL.

  • So you can see there's some trouble getting them together. For this game, I'd want to have at least two people with some knowledge of d20 games in general, and they could help anyone else I manage to round up. I have five PCs prepared, but it could be done with four, and I could play one myself if necessary, so three players at least.

    Unfortunately, the fact is, I don't get any information about where any of you will be and when, except arifyn, and all I get from him is that he lives somewhere else and he's not coming back much. So are you going to be dropping by anytime in the next few months? More importantly, what are you doing this summer? I need gaming, dammit!

    (Incidentally, it would be damn nifty if I could get some people together to play when we were out in Colorado this June, but I don't imagine you scheduled time for role-playing.)

    RPGs, Internet, Homuncupunk, scheduling, video games, blog, RPG one-shots, Mése'ta

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