
Feb 02, 2005 08:35

As I noted in an earlier post, I'm interested in trying to GM some one-shot role-playing adventures. The problem with these, of course, is that with no campaign as a foundation for what the GM and players already know is going on, it takes a bit more work to set the scene. When I was working on the first one, I ended up thinking up two others, each in a different d20 Modern setting. Each time I'm stumped on one, I take a break and do something else or end up working on another adventure. What I've got:

Lychfield Manor: The one I introduced below. (Incidentally, do they call places "manors" in New England?) I downloaded some floor plans to use for the title location; just have to add secret passageways and stuff. I was planning this to be the first one I run, but I haven't worked in very good motivation for the characters yet, so I won't be able to use it anytime soon at this rate.

Island of Dr. Mordenkainen: Not closely based on the book, as it is very unlikely that I will find the interest to actually read it. Also not based on the Greyhawk character, as I have very little information on him either. I just thought it would be interesting to have a setting where someone in the modern world is creating D&D monsters, and the title sounded good. I wanted to base this on an élite team of special ops troops going in to exterminate the monsters/stop the experiments/steal data/etc., so the story is holding together a bit better. The architecture/geography of the setting is also a lot simpler than the other idea below. The only problem is, this is the highest-leveled of the three, so I'd feel a bit guilty making people who have never played d20 Modern before try to run 11th-12th-level characters complete with advanced classes and mutations.

「ネクロハザード」: The title may be changed to "Naturalized Evil" when imported to the States. Anyway, this is based on the concept that I originally had planned for Lychfield Manor, but didn't work out so well: survival horror! Unlike in the series that gave the adventure its title, though, you aren't trained agents. You're not even those ordinaries in d20 Modern who have exceptional ability scores. Nope, in my games, ordinaries have average stats for humans. I can tell you right now that this is going to involve a lot of running away from monsters and searching for anything that remotely resembles a weapon. The problem is, I wanted to set it in a semi-traditional Japanese mansion, and an English search didn't net me any proper floor plans. (Even when I looked for the New England house, it only gave me up to something like five-bedroom houses, which would be a bit cramped for this adventure.)

Anyway, if you're interested in participating, please say so. I don't want to have to rely on just being able to grab some of the Draucarn siblings and perhaps Blitzcon at a moment's notice. Incidentally, how often do you DePauw people come back to Greater Lafayette?

RPG one-shots, video games, prose

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