I also decided a little while ago that
Project FOBE d20 is going to be turned into merely Project FOBE
OGL. This could be a really bad thing, as I have considered:
I can't advertise that the system is compatible with any other d20 games.
I can't use the d20 System logo.
I'm going to want to write all of the rules up from scratch, making things confusing and difficult to learn for people who come from other d20 games, and requiring a lot of work.
I'm going to need to make an entire rulebook, including role-playing and gamemastering notes, and anyone who wants to play will have to buy it.
But the reasons were compelling and irresistible:
I get to write all of the rules up from scratch, allowing me to add realistic touches, such as a classless system and location-based damage (if I can work the latter out). I can also include the rules that I was considering optional: burst fire that actually hits with multiple bullets instead of just one that deals more damage, infinite size categories, starships that are vehicles, etc.
I don't have to use the stuff in their rulebook, much of it irrelevant to the setting.
Players who want to play don't have to buy d20 Modern.
In any case, the additional work that I've made myself makes it even less likely that I'll ever publish such a thing, but a man can dream, can't he?