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Comments 37

zxfactor March 29 2010, 02:30:33 UTC
Name :zxfactor
Location :New Jersey


Favorite Characters :Archer, Lana, Cyril, Pam and Cheryl
Favorite Pairings :Archer/Lana, Pam/Cheryl, and Pam/Cyril
Favorite Episodes : All of them
Favorite Archer Quote:“No, baby. I AM putting you in the corner.”


Other Fandoms :Private Practice, Flash Forward, FireFly-(new love), Dollhouse, Eureka, Psych, Being Human and Merlin
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings :Demetri/Zoey, Allison/Nathan, Gwen/Lancelot and Gwen/Author
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction:Currently Finishing Guilty Pleasures, Anita Blake. Jackie Collins, Love tech/geek books/magazines ect. pretty open
Favorite Movies :Anything Romance, Julia Roberts movies, I'm pretty open to any kind of movie.

What am I gonna find on your journal? Famdon stuff, Music, Celebrity mentions, B-Day shout outs and a few screencaps
Friends locked or no? No, open
What's your friending policy? Pretty Open, just ask and its done.
Any communities you'd like to pimp?vchamber, burgundy_shoes and blue_skies
... )


djkiwi2576 March 29 2010, 02:44:11 UTC
Common causes all rational train of thought to evaporate.


zxfactor March 29 2010, 05:01:01 UTC
I knowwwwwwwwwwww.. he just kept yelling at me to post him..LOL


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 03:14:43 UTC
Jeezy creezy, another Archer fan in NJ?


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 02:57:25 UTC
Name : Alexine
Age: 24
Location : NJ


Favorite Characters : Lana, Pam, Archer, Mallory, Gilette
Favorite Pairings : Archer x Lana, Lana x Pam, Lana x Cyrill
Favorite Episodes : Skytanic, Honeypot, and Dial M for Mother
Favorite Archer Quote: "Well thank God for them internets!"


Other Fandoms : Winx Club, Disney Fairies, Kobato, Saiyuki, Fushigi Yuugi, Lunar; Silver Star Story
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Tecna, Stormy, Stella and Nebula from Winx Club, Bess and Beck from Disney Fairies, Kobato and Ioryogi from Kobato, Sanzo from Saiyuki, Mia Ausa from Lunar: SSS
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: Rose and the Beast, Witch Baby, and The Water and the Wild by Francesca Lia Block, Odd Girl Out by Ann Bannon, Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami
Favorite Movies : Star Wars; Return of the Jedi, Lilo & Stitch, WALL-E, Hot Tub Time Machine

What am I gonna find on your journal? Stuff on life, rants, moi being silly
Friends locked or no? Yes
What's your friending policy? I'm ( ... )


napalmiris March 29 2010, 06:13:43 UTC
Name : Ash
Age: 23
Location : Washington state


Favorite Characters : everybody (but I adore Pam, Lana, and Archer)
Favorite Pairings : Lana/Pam
Favorite Episodes : Honeypot, Skytanic, Dial M for Mother
Favorite Archer Quote: anything that comes out of Archer or Pam's mouths


Other Fandoms : Ingourious Basterds, The Dark Knight, Smokin' Aces, Ravenous, Star Trek (TOS, DS9, Reboot), The Venture Bros., LOST
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Hugo Stiglitz/Archie Hicox (Inglourious Basterds), John Locke/Ben Linus (LOST), Bruce Wayne/Jim Gordon (The Dark Knight), Acosta/Bill (Smokin' Aces)
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk (or any of his books really), No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, Prater Violet by Chrisophter Isherwood
Favorite Movies : Reservoir Dogs, Inglourious Basterds, Kill Bill 1 & 2 (just anything by Tarantino), Snatch, The Departed, Fight Club, Lucky # Slevin, Suspect Zero, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, ( ... )


aliccolo March 29 2010, 10:17:16 UTC
Name : Ali
Age: 23
Location : Anchorage, AK


Favorite Characters : Mallory<3 & Archer (and the others too)
Favorite Pairings : I haven't met a pairing I haven't enjoyed yet, but I love Mallory and Nikolai, I have to say.
Favorite Episodes : Honeypot, Skorpio, Killing Utne, all of them actually...
Favorite Archer Quote: "Why don't you wear a vasectomy?!"


Other Fandoms : Marvel is my main fandom, but occasionally I dabble in Watchmen, DS9, TOS, Ronin Warriors, and Dragon Ball Z
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Daredevil is my guy. I ship him with anything that moves, male or female.
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction): Comics...does that count? If not, The Little Prince is pretty amazing.
Favorite Movies : Rocky Horror Picture Show, Gone With the Wind, Watchmen, Wrath of Khan

What am I gonna find on your journal? Mostly it's comic book stuff, fan fiction, occasional rants about working in retail, links I found amusing...
Friends locked or no? The only f-locked things are ( ... )


blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 15:38:55 UTC
X-Men fan here, and I love your movie list. Friends?


aliccolo March 29 2010, 19:34:55 UTC
Why certainly! :)


leaveittoweaver March 29 2010, 14:53:01 UTC
Name :Rachel
Location :New York


Favorite Characters :Archer and Kruger
Favorite Pairings : Archer and Lana
Favorite Episodes :Honeypot
Favorite Archer Quote:"Sir, the lemur has gotten in the pudding cups."


Other Fandoms :House, MST3K, CourtneY Love, LOTR
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : House and Wilson FTW!
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction: The Bell Jar, A Tree grows in Brooklyn, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, etc.
Favorite Movies : American Beauty, American Psycho, etc.

What am I gonna find on your journal? Ramblings of dailiy events.
Friends locked or no? Yup
What's your friending policy? I'll friend anyone I don't know as long as you are open minded and not a complete idiot.
Any communities you'd like to pimp? inspireplease I love that community!
Anything else?: I like animals, reading, writing, photography, and other shit.


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