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aliccolo March 29 2010, 10:17:16 UTC
Name : Ali
Age: 23
Location : Anchorage, AK


Favorite Characters : Mallory<3 & Archer (and the others too)
Favorite Pairings : I haven't met a pairing I haven't enjoyed yet, but I love Mallory and Nikolai, I have to say.
Favorite Episodes : Honeypot, Skorpio, Killing Utne, all of them actually...
Favorite Archer Quote: "Why don't you wear a vasectomy?!"


Other Fandoms : Marvel is my main fandom, but occasionally I dabble in Watchmen, DS9, TOS, Ronin Warriors, and Dragon Ball Z
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings : Daredevil is my guy. I ship him with anything that moves, male or female.
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction): Comics...does that count? If not, The Little Prince is pretty amazing.
Favorite Movies : Rocky Horror Picture Show, Gone With the Wind, Watchmen, Wrath of Khan

What am I gonna find on your journal? Mostly it's comic book stuff, fan fiction, occasional rants about working in retail, links I found amusing...
Friends locked or no? The only f-locked things are my political ramblings and things I don't want my boss knowing I said.
What's your friending policy? I will friend anyone who friends me, so long as you're friendly and don't mind slash, femslash, and het, because I write all three.
Any communities you'd like to pimp? tonyisacumslut
Anything else?:


blackmamba_esq March 29 2010, 15:38:55 UTC
X-Men fan here, and I love your movie list. Friends?


aliccolo March 29 2010, 19:34:55 UTC
Why certainly! :)


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