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zxfactor March 29 2010, 02:30:33 UTC
Name :zxfactor
Location :New Jersey


Favorite Characters :Archer, Lana, Cyril, Pam and Cheryl
Favorite Pairings :Archer/Lana, Pam/Cheryl, and Pam/Cyril
Favorite Episodes : All of them
Favorite Archer Quote:“No, baby. I AM putting you in the corner.”


Other Fandoms :Private Practice, Flash Forward, FireFly-(new love), Dollhouse, Eureka, Psych, Being Human and Merlin
Other Favorite Characters,Pairings :Demetri/Zoey, Allison/Nathan, Gwen/Lancelot and Gwen/Author
Favorite Books (because, television is NOT our only addiction:Currently Finishing Guilty Pleasures, Anita Blake. Jackie Collins, Love tech/geek books/magazines ect. pretty open
Favorite Movies :Anything Romance, Julia Roberts movies, I'm pretty open to any kind of movie.

What am I gonna find on your journal? Famdon stuff, Music, Celebrity mentions, B-Day shout outs and a few screencaps
Friends locked or no? No, open
What's your friending policy? Pretty Open, just ask and its done.
Any communities you'd like to pimp?vchamber, burgundy_shoes and blue_skies
Anything else?:


djkiwi2576 March 29 2010, 02:44:11 UTC
Common causes all rational train of thought to evaporate.


zxfactor March 29 2010, 05:01:01 UTC
I knowwwwwwwwwwww.. he just kept yelling at me to post him..LOL


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 03:14:43 UTC
Jeezy creezy, another Archer fan in NJ?


zxfactor March 29 2010, 05:01:34 UTC
Yes... Jersey friends?


dreaming_faerie March 29 2010, 05:05:43 UTC
Shells yeah!

What part of Jersey are you at?


zxfactor March 29 2010, 15:37:34 UTC
Union County, You?


dreaming_faerie March 30 2010, 17:38:16 UTC
Morris County. We're somewhat close! Wow!


keenan24 March 29 2010, 16:16:23 UTC
ah woman you just slayed me with common.

ahem ... yeah um we have a lot fo fandoms in common (no pun intended I swear!) and the same ships so friends?


zxfactor March 29 2010, 17:45:02 UTC
Yepper .. adding you now. Common..hummm I love him..


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