Couple of things to link

Jul 30, 2008 23:26

I just finished Monitor Duty. HOW MUCH OF A PAIN WAS IT, UH? A VERY BIG PAIN, THAT'S WHAT IT WAS. Urg... those were.. way too many links, and my mouse's right button -the one that prompts the 'copy link location' thingie, even!- is failing. So.... that was a pain!

There's a new comm, for example, called fuckyou_batman, a place to rant about what bothers you ( Read more... )

rant, recs

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Comments 18

jij July 31 2008, 08:54:38 UTC
Mago de Oz? Awesome!

Also, BATMAN IS AWESOME [Y/Y]? Comms like that make me highly nervous because for every rant I agree with there are inevitably going to be others that bitch about how people write him so sappy sweet and nice when he's a fucked up and dysfunctional asshole and proud of it, and I will shrivel up and want to die, lol. So I don't go near such places! But your rants are cool balm on the wounds of my fandom soul. Moar hero-Batman, moar!

I haven't heard that the Gaiman project involves a cold reboot! I'm not really paying much attention to canon, so I was just like "Gaiman-Batman, I'M THERE!" and that was all. :)

Also, moar Overside fic! I think I shall bookmark it and read it when it gets more advanced, because I prefer to get a glut of it all at once. But there is dancing in Japan!


arch_schatten July 31 2008, 22:06:53 UTC
[Y/Y]? FUCK YES. I have had it with the petty crap and the desire to bring down a beacon of hope, an archetype of human strength, just because you think he shouldn't be able to do it because you can't deal with your own life, so how could he? He's better than us. That's why he's a hero. Fuck it all, that's Batman for you, he picks himself up because it's not about him, it's never about him. Does he hurt your feelings? Boohoo. Too bad the world doesn't revolve around you ( ... )


jij August 3 2008, 13:33:03 UTC
I have had it with the petty crap and the desire to bring down a beacon of hope, an archetype of human strength, just because you think he shouldn't be able to do it because you can't deal with your own life, so how could he? He's better than us. That's why he's a hero. Fuck it all, that's Batman for you, he picks himself up because it's not about him, it's never about him

HOPE HOPE HOPE. Not in the sense of happy-cheery-it'll-all-be-fine-hope, but in the sense of real, deep, meaningful hope in the very face of a good deal of evidence against it. Yes, some people choose badly! Yes, some people choose well and suffer for it until they shatter! But every single day there's a chance for hope, over and over again...and Bruce never gives up on that hope.

You tell Dan I found my machete. It was in a chest -as in a box, not a body part. Dunno how it got there...

I read Dan that line and we laughed a great deal. :)


genclay July 31 2008, 10:24:21 UTC
oooooooo, on-line spirograph toy! Thats going to keep me busy for most the afternoon.:)

Given I'm just starting to dabble my toe in the water that is the DC world, I'm staying well away from anything that mentions Final Crisis, It's like a big shark that's soul purpose in life is to confuse the feck out of me :/


arch_schatten July 31 2008, 21:43:41 UTC
The spirograph toy is so much fun!! I wish I could do pretty things like the ones in the galleries, lol, but I seriously suck. Still, it's really fun to play with it, and the designs look cool even when they aren't good! the magic of spirography!

I have no real idea if Final Crisis is being a cold reboot or not. I don't have access to current DC comics other than online buzz and scans due not living in the US, but.. so far, they have done with the New Gods. You don't mess around with Kirby creations. It just.. you don't. And a bunch of other characters have died that.. make no sense for them to be dead -mostly, I think J'onn and Arthur- and the solicits seem to be all about destroying the world and etc. If it's not a cold reboot waiting to happen, then I join you in the confusion! how are they going to fix that mess?


yamheads July 31 2008, 14:57:23 UTC
I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that community is about all the people who have gotten into the Batman fandom because of the Dark Knight film ... I'm not sure how that is a bad thing, but oh well!

Also, Rice boy is awesome! :)


arch_schatten July 31 2008, 21:39:28 UTC
LOL, yeah, mostly there's raging about the new fans.. I say some Batman/Alfred movieverse, and I have to say that was totally horrible, but *shrugs* The Mary Sues always rush into fandom with the movies, though! there's lots of 'I shall heal Joker and marry him and he and Batman will love me forever' vibes out there, it seems. I wouldn't know! I avoid Batman/Joker and Joker/...anything. :P

Rice Boy! Rice Boy! you read it? ISN'T IT FANTASTIC? I love T.O.E. and Gerund!! I cried at the end!!! ;.; I want posters of that thing. And the book. I devoured it when I first found it, I really like the crazy world building...

Yaaaaaz! Christine, Caroline and I have plans to watch Batman in IMAX in NY... wanna join us one night? eh? Or... I could share with you our plans, see if you would like to join us for anything if you have time one day, and we set that apart to do it with you? *pokes* I don't want to be pushy, meep! So. uh. I promise I'll stop babbling about it soon!


yamheads August 2 2008, 04:31:54 UTC
DUDE, I would LOVE to go see Batman in IMAX with you guys! I don't think I have to do anything in the evenings ... I actually don't know if I do, because I don't get the whole orientation packet thing until I get there on the 18th. If I have time, I'll do whatever you guys want to do!

(My mum leaves during the day of the 23rd though, so I am definitely free to roam!)


starsandsea July 31 2008, 18:11:53 UTC
*hugs Mina* There were so many links in that issue of MD!! *gives you cookies*

how about all the people who don't like Batman and write him as the vessel for all their daddy issues and partner issues and male issues? I'm just saying, he's a character who is supposed to be a guardian and a hero, maybe? maybe? Fucked up, if you want, sure! But he still kicks ass and fights crime and is awesome. But nope! Batman was shit to everyone and they all cried and the world ended! I have to take refuge in canon from fanon somedays.. canon Batman so kicks ass.I couldn't agree more. Batman is awesome. Nothing more, nothing less. He's just so... amazing and heroic and I love him so much!!!!! *hearts him* This is what annoys me (as you know! :P) when people say Batman doesn't do commitment, because Hello??? He's dedicated his life from the age of 8 to fighting crime. He's raised 4 - maybe even 5 - children, and yet people say he's not committed? *brain brakes* Seriously, if he was that much of a bastard the BatClan would have all packed up and left ( ... )


arch_schatten July 31 2008, 21:34:05 UTC
The MD issue was pretty crazy last night, especially because my mouse is not working very well :S ( ... )


starsandsea August 1 2008, 19:30:00 UTC
*hugs back* I just want to say how much I agree with everything you have said. Bruce is a hero. He's not a villain, just because he's quiet and reserved and has difficulty relating to other people (how many of these things apply to me too? lol) and people just can't understand him doesn't mean that he goes around abusing his kids or being mean to his friends, or whatever people are accusing him of being today. *huggles him*

I'm still not sure about Miller! I have never read any of his work, so... But yeah, if I was given a choice between Miller - say Year One Batman, since that's the only Miller I heard that is good - and some of the stories that are out there where Batman is a general bastard and everyone hates him... I'd pick Miller any day! :p (never thought I'd say that, but...)

Have you got your tickets for NY sorted out, btw? I hope everything's stopped being stupid. :)


damos July 31 2008, 23:28:05 UTC
Mina ( ... )


arch_schatten August 3 2008, 05:45:43 UTC
I hope Hardac is now completely functional! yay, new computer ( ... )


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