Writing crack, me? ...never!

Dec 28, 2007 17:59

I am writing, yes I am, and right now I'm angry at work for interrupting my writing spur.. the sad part is that I'm not writing my WFGE entries, but two other bunnies that.. damn them, but they are loud! The newest one got me researching for hours last night ( Read more... )

fannish, flesh-life, plot bunny

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Comments 25

starsandsea December 29 2007, 15:04:36 UTC
I will be back later, but I just need to go all fangirly over Pieter. Hee. All this stuff you probably already know, but I'm going to squee over him anyway, cause I love him. lol

Pieter was the first Dr. Mid-Nite's student! Actually, the first Dr. Mid-Nite stopped his mother from being mugged and raped. She went into labor and Dr. Mid-Nite delivered him. Pieter became a doctor, and was a resident doctor at his practice for a while - I presume he left after the first Dr. Mid-Nite died. Then Pieter was blinded in a car accident after he had been injected with some nasty drugs. Then Charlie (The Owl, not the first Dr. Mid-Nite, lol) found him, and Pieter discovered he could see and dark, thanks to the drugs, and went to fight crime and set up a clinic! Then the JSA discovered him and he joined and he and Michael live happily ever after! With Charlie, of course. Heeee!! *glomps Pieter* ;)

Whee!! Mina is writing! :D *will be back to squee over that and other things later*


arch_schatten December 29 2007, 18:20:35 UTC
Wee! Thanks for the background, Star! Actually, I didn't know about Pieter's background.. I think I read about it in the origin's All Star, but the only one I really remember is Mr. Terrific's :P

...lol, I still think that's a really convenient origin.. but so is Flash's, I guess! what are the chances of those things happening twice, I say? and what does that challenge my suspension of disbelief, I don't know! :P I like Pieter more than the original Dr, though :) he's prettier! but they are both so badass! I'm really enjoying those silver age stories :)


yamheads December 29 2007, 15:44:55 UTC
I'm glad you're writing! :) And homg, Peludo is possibly the best name for a pet ever? Seriously, that's so cool sounding.

Also, WHAT? I didn't know there was a first Dr. Midnight? What the crap? I have to agree with your brother on this one. Waaay too convenient.


arch_schatten December 29 2007, 18:27:07 UTC
Writing! the snark has gotten out of hand, I had to trim it down! but it's been a lot of fun. Lots and lots and LOTS of research. I might know more now about male shoes than I will ever need.

Peludo translates into something like 'fuzzy'. Which he is, but fuzzy is kind of really lame... Peludo for the win! (also, it rhymes, Peludo el gato mudo! :P (Fuzzy the mute cat))

And isn't the idea of TWO blind superhero doctor that knew each other really convenient? It seemed like a weird thing to object to, but seriously! blind doctors! ...they are both rather hot and adorable, so I guess it's okay. No stranger than the Flash legacy, I *guess*. Or little black haired orphaned vigilante kids...

Nope, my brain still thinks *two* blind doctors is stranger that the other legacies. I have disbelief issues :P


starsandsea December 29 2007, 20:05:55 UTC
*is back to squee some more*

Fic!!!! Fic!!!! - it's worth flailing over twice. :D

Oh, this is a new job? You've finished the one for the leather maker person? Awww, but a cat!!! :D And yay for the internet too!

Christmas was good over here. I'm starting therapy to deal with my issues with my mother and probably my anxiety and depression on January, which is good -I suppose, I've never had therapy before...- and though the holidays were a little stressful between me and my mother, things have settled again until the next flare. Right now she's happily off my case and on her younger sister's case -money problems. Ahh, family. Everyone is insane.*huuugs* I hope the therapy goes okay, and you can work things out and you feel better. *glomps* Therapy can be scary - or at least it was when I had some, especially if you don't like talking about yourself, but I really hope it helps you! I'm afraid I rather lost confidence in psychologists when the one I was seeing for something else asked me if I thought I was was depressed, and accepted ( ... )


arch_schatten December 29 2007, 20:19:45 UTC
Fiiiic! I want to go back home and keep writing! it's so much fun X) Thought Bruce is being.. very OC ( ... )


vigilante_wake December 30 2007, 02:52:32 UTC
What, you don't know any blind doctors? I know at least three! My uncle is a blind doctor!

I see that you were researching men's shoes. FYI, I know waaaaaaay too much about men's clothing. If you ever have any questions, I might be able to help you out! My mom beta'd my WFGE story and was like "Why are you talking about this guy's suit so much?" I really like clothes porn...

Christmas was good over here. I'm starting therapy to deal with my issues with my mother and probably my anxiety and depression on January, which is good -I suppose, I've never had therapy before...

I've been to-oh geez-eight or so different therapists. I really clicked with a few and they helped me a lot, but I didn't get along with some of them and it was a waste of my time. I still refer to one of my former psychiatrists as Dr. Jerk-wad. I hope you're able to find someone you really connect with and like and that he or she can help you. *huuugs*

I very much recommend Golden Compass the book and its sequels! They actually changed the way I looked at the ( ... )


arch_schatten December 30 2007, 05:42:02 UTC
I don't know any blind doctors! it is very, very sad, for I'm sure the only thing more badass than a blind superhero is a blind doctor superhero -probably without a shirt. That would make the universe implode ( ... )


vigilante_wake December 30 2007, 18:36:14 UTC
I think I want to marry a blind doctor superhero with no shirt.

Gahhh, I should have asked you before! We should be co-writing this story! I... I... I will share the story with you in google docs, and maybe you can beta it and.. if you want... dive in? co-write?

Oooh, really? I'd love to co-write or at least beta the clothes and shoes stuff! *runs to google docs*

But she has a very Ent-woman name (yes, Ent-woman, I say!) and it's oddly comforting for my geek self.

I would interpret this as a good sign as well. I wonder if she speaks slowly...

Yes, I have Aqua playing on the background still. Zombie Apocalypse or not, you gotta be HAPPY!

I am now imagining you killing zombies to Happy Boy and Girls, much like that scene from Shawn of the Dead where they're killing zombies to Queen, and it is AWESOME! Go Mina go!


arch_schatten December 30 2007, 20:58:14 UTC
Who doesn't want to marry a blind doctor shirtless superhero?

I have sent the doc to you! yay! co-write with meeee! I'll be the happiest ferret in the world! ..there's no plot to that story, lol. Let me know what you think! *frets*

I will kill zombies and vampires, like the girl in Blade, wearing my mp3s player and listening to Aqua! Be happy!~!


cosmicastaway December 30 2007, 10:39:14 UTC
I've read the book for Golden Compass, and it was rushed. I was just thinking last night "maybe I didn't like it because I read the books."

That settles that.

The acting is great. The special-fx are great. The timing...sucks.
I think in the book there were more bears.

Oh...no wait. They moved a few scenes around. Lyra ends up going to the facility long before she goes to the Bear Kingdom. So a bear army could not go help save her, since the kingdom had not been reclaimed yet.

And people can't have really big daemons because it would take a lot of energy. Daemons can only be as strong as their owners (children have small daemons, after all) and I don't think anyone is big enough to support an elephant daemon.

Glad you have comics to read. :3 We blame Jen for a lot of things here. *laughs*


arch_schatten December 30 2007, 21:22:26 UTC
Hmm, I'm going to look for the books, because the setting was interesting, but I just couldn't quite get a grasp of what the hell was going on with the movie. It wasn't confusing, just.. very rushed.

And that explains the lack of Army Bear! I think everything would be amde better with an army of polar bears. Polar bears are badass!

...I want a pygmy elephant daemon! pleaaaseee??? adorabilityX1000!

Lol, and yes, I blame Jen for lots of things, but the good thing is... she's kind of guilty for all of them. Anyway, those things tend to end in crack fic, and I love writing crack, so I guess I can't complain..


cosmicastaway December 30 2007, 22:56:07 UTC
I enjoyed the books. They weren't as rushed as the movie. Things made more sense, actually. Pullman did have a habit of sometimes changing the level of his story. Some scenes were very simple, as if for a reader of several years younger, and then he'll change the level to one for adult readers.

Chien and I would discuss the books though, this summer. She got me into having a favourite character (though we don't see that boy until the second and third books).

So adorable. He tries so hard.


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