Writing crack, me? ...never!

Dec 28, 2007 17:59

I am writing, yes I am, and right now I'm angry at work for interrupting my writing spur.. the sad part is that I'm not writing my WFGE entries, but two other bunnies that.. damn them, but they are loud! The newest one got me researching for hours last night.

Jen, you are to blame.

So... in the state of me, not much to be said. I have a part time job as a personal assistant. It's a good job, and it will look good in my curriculum, and I have internet so I can distract myself, but it's very booooring. My boss lady doesn't really *need* a personal assistant, she needs to stop wasting time dally dancing and sit down to work. But then, I'm not going to complain about having a job, no I won't! It's a nice boss lady, though :) Feeds me tea and coffee in great amounts, and she has a cat, Peludo. Peludo is a mute very old cat who adores me, and I love him lots too :) he's so fluffy and sweet!

Christmas was good over here. I'm starting therapy to deal with my issues with my mother and probably my anxiety and depression on January, which is good -I suppose, I've never had therapy before...- and though the holidays were a little stressful between me and my mother, things have settled again until the next flare. Right now she's happily off my case and on her younger sister's case -money problems. Ahh, family. Everyone is insane.

I watched The Golden Compass the other day. It felt rather rushed -then, I haven't read the books, so maybe that's why- but I must ask, why the King of the Bears didn't bring an Army of Bears to the big fight? Army of Bears, c'mon!! it would have kicked so much ass. Also, how come no one had useful daemons? like, war elephant daemon? or tigers? or... or... hippos? I must read the books and find out.

I'm reading the JSA/All Star Squadron silver age trades. They are made of AWESOME. Alan has lost his company, oh noes! he's also super cranky half the time, it's hilarious, and it feels like Wildcat is from the modern age and everyone isn't and he's just bitchy because no one acts like a normal person. I know the book reads like a product of it's time, with the crazy plots and changes of scene and everything... but it still seems good. Power Girl/Star Spangled Kid, woo! PG sooo doesn't give a damn about him, and he's all 'You and me, together 4EVA!!'. I love it. Uh.. Kal-L is everything I expect our Alan Scott to be, which makes me queasy. Alan seems awfully young. Oh, and in a book full of insanity and people dying every issue and coming back to life in the next one, my big moment of disbelief with my brother went something like: 'This Dr. Midnight is blond!' 'Yeah, that's the first Dr. Midnight.' 'You mean he's also blind. And a doctor.' 'Yes.' 'Oh, c'mon! what are the chances of there being two blind doctor superheroes!' 'Pieter was the first Doctor student, I think.' '...a blind student?' 'No, he could see at the time, he went blind later.' '...that's too much of a coincidence!'

Yes. That's my problem with silver age comics. Too much of a coincidence.

fannish, flesh-life, plot bunny

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