(FIC) Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce (Bruce Wayne, Alan Scott) G

Oct 26, 2007 23:57

Title: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairing: Bruce Wayne, Alan Scott
Rating: G
Word count: 850+
Requested by: starsandsea 'Bruce and Alan interaction'. Originally here and here.

Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce )

alan scott, fic, bruce wayne, gen

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Comments 5

taro_twist October 29 2007, 21:48:05 UTC
******GIANT FLAIL******


AHHH!!!! You write kid!fic like nobody's business! This is too good to be true! I adore your take on Bruce while his parents are still around, the way you manage to write him with such a quick and insightful mind but without making him sound old ... he still sounds exactly like a kid, just a really brilliant one. :D

I was loving his running commentary on life and Grown Ups throughout this entire fic. One of my favorite lines from his thoughts was this:

Grown Ups usually didn't mean what they said or meant other things instead and did things that got them further away from what they really wanted

Because it's so true, especially the last part. ^-^ This one was great, too:

Bruce didn't like Grown Up Parties food, but he tried to be polite and picked up a small brochette. Alfred taught him all kinds of names for Grown Up Party food, and Bruce thought it was all very silly. It was just food, and the names weren't even in English.Eeee, so cute ( ... )


taro_twist October 29 2007, 21:48:56 UTC
Oh, and I almost forgot! The nickname of "Little Bee" is made of pure win! Is that canon? Did you invent it? Either way, it is awesomesauce sister! XD


arch_schatten November 8 2007, 23:57:05 UTC
I don't think it's canon! one of the little things I keep in my mind about Bruce, lol. I might spend too much time thinking about him :P I'm glad you like it, it's yours for the taking!


arch_schatten November 9 2007, 00:01:35 UTC
Weeee! I'm so glad you liked, sis! Writing little Bruce was so much fun, he kept blabbering in my head even after the story was over. He's pretty chatty! I'm glad he did sound like a kid, I did my best :)

I am of the school that thinks that Bruce was remarkable even before the night his parents died and he would have been odd anyway. He has an understanding of human nature that he can't quite put to use because it makes little sense here, and that is still true for my grown up Bruce muse.

Names for food are so silly, I agree with Bruce. And his adventure as Gray Ghost, he insisted on it! hyperactive imagination, that's little Bee.

Alan was super nice, and I would have liked to play a bit more with them, but I was running already rather long, lol. I would love for them to reminiscence about this when Bruce is older! Bruce can't play super cool when Alan is around, Alan knew him when he was tiny and silly!

I'm super glad you liked this story, sis! It was one of my favorite ones to write :3


(The comment has been removed)

arch_schatten September 29 2009, 05:17:42 UTC
Heee! tiny Bruce is so adorable! so serious and.. and.. adorable!

I'm very glad you liked this! I love Alan Scott and I like how Bruce defers to him with a huge mancrush in comics, lol. Hero worship from Batman is pretty impressive! tiny Bruce being impressed by Green Lantern made my roll around, I couldn't not write something for it :P Thank youuu for reading! :D


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