Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:43:58 UTC
We'll see how the trash turns out :) I hope it's something cool! in any case, it's good fun :) *glomps back ( ... )


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 20:12:20 UTC
*squees very, very, loudly* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Little Bruce!!! Little Bruce!!!!! *squishes him* So adorable!!!! :D

Grown Ups usually didn't mean what they said or meant other things instead and did things that got them further away from what they really wanted, like that man who tried to be funny and made other people angry or that woman who was really nice to other men but wanted her husband to pay more attention to her.

*glomps Little!Bruce*

Bruce really didn't get them, but he thought that if he looked more at them, someday he would understand. Mother said it was a matter of time, and that she almost hoped he never would, so he would stay her busy little Bee forever.

Little Bee! That's so going in my head cannon now. :D

Bruce wasn't going to be a little Bee forever. He was going to grow up, and then he was going to tell people to stop being silly and everyone would make more sense then.

Yep! You tell them to stop being silly Bruce! :P

Alfred taught him all kinds of names for Grown Up Party food, and Bruce ( ... )


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 22:18:31 UTC
Little Bruce is adoraaableeee! I'm glad you liked him! I have had the little Bee nickname in my head for a while. In another universe, where Bruce grew up with Tommy (Wayne, Owlman from Earth 2), Tommy called him Buzz and thus mother called him Bee. Oh, I am so self indulgent when it comes to Bruce! :3 I love him so! I'm so glad you like my version of little Bruce too!


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) jij October 28 2007, 11:16:15 UTC
Oh maaaan...Little Bee! Can I steal Little Bee if I ever get around to writing my kidfic? Can I? Pllllz?

like that man who tried to be funny and made other people angry or that woman who was really nice to other men but wanted her husband to pay more attention to her.

World's Cutest Detective! Eee! I always love the argument that bruce was unusual even before that night, and I think you've nailed his voice perfectly here. I so want to beg you to do a whole bunch of Little Bee stories now...


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:21:09 UTC
Weee! Little Bruce is such a rascal! and so easily annoyed, lol. Little Bee is yours for the taking! ...there should be baby pictures of Bruce in a bee costume. I'm just saying, he would be adorable. And it would be amazing blackmailing material.

The World's Cutest Detective, LOL! Kids are very observant, and you know I'm partial to the 'being unusual even before Batman' theory, so it made sense. This little Bruce goes well with Quiet Revelations Bruce! they have the same ritual :)

I could write some short stories for Little Bee! 'Little Bee and the Aquarium: A Great Adventure or The Greatest Adventure?' ...LOL! I'm seeing them as kid books now, and cricking myself up. Okay, I gotta stop. Lalalaaa. I might write you one story with Little Bee and Clark, because I just got bitten by a bunny. It's been such a great weekend of writing!


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) jij October 29 2007, 00:58:47 UTC
I could write some short stories for Little Bee! 'Little Bee and the Aquarium: A Great Adventure or The Greatest Adventure?' ...LOL! I'm seeing them as kid books now, and cricking myself up.

Ahhhhh! Have him meet all the old guys! Wildcat and the original Mr. Terrific and all of man, that would be fun.

I've had such a happy weekend watching you write and writing a little myself!


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 29 2007, 04:31:00 UTC
Little Bee's Amazing Story Book is brewing in my head. I don't know why he calls himself Little Bee, but with Bruce's tendency to refer to himself in third person, I say, why not!

I had an awesome weekend writing and chatting with you, wee! I just need.. more time! so I can also catch up with the flist! gah. But it was so much fun, even if I failed at drabbling :3


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) bradygirl_12 October 31 2007, 02:36:20 UTC
Well, I definitely liked the Little Bee here. :) Bruce was a sharp cookie even as a child and would have been successful at anything he'd grown up to be if his parents hadn't been killed.

He's sweetly solemn here. :)


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten November 9 2007, 02:18:43 UTC
I'm of the school of 'Bruce wasn't normal even before his parents' deaths', so yeah, my take on him is bound to have him be odd even when tiny :) Being Batman is pretty damn awesome, that kid would have been great no matter what... I don't think tragedy stopped him, it just took him down a different road.

I'm glad you liked him and this story :)


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