Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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Comments 69

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arch_schatten October 27 2007, 18:22:45 UTC
Don't be jealous, come and join us! We're on this Saturday at 8:30 Mountain Time, all you need to bring is the second season of BtAS and something to eat while we watch :)

I love having time to be a couch potato. I am addicted to Scrubs, and I hadn't been having time to watch it :)

I am working, I am working! I already wrote two drabbles. Do you want a drabble? 'cause you know I would write you crack if you want it. I love you that much.


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A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 23:12:41 UTC
We'll get together next weekend at the same place, same time. Just remember to bring your BtAS dvds, and we're set! We're on the Second Season, disc 3 ( ... )


cavaleira October 27 2007, 05:39:23 UTC
Aww, I love Kings of Convenience too! The song "Homesick" is soo my life right now (which is not really a good thing per se, but oh well). But they're great, all their songs make me mellow and happy.

I have no drabble prompts right now, but I'll try and think of something and comment again later.

Btw, love your icon.


arch_schatten October 27 2007, 18:29:14 UTC
Awww, Homesick is a wonderful song. I'm sorry that it's your soundtrack, though, but at least is a good song to listen to. They keep me mellow and happy too, I have I rather Dance with You on replay right now... and I dance around :)

I don't remember where I stole the icon from, but it's in my icon page with credit, so feel free to steal and credit too! everyone should have a Bizarro icon, I think. And if you think of a 'drabble' -I can't seem to write anything less than 400 words- I'm game :)


taro_twist October 27 2007, 07:22:52 UTC
OMG I love your new layout, sis ... it is GORGEOUS! Is this a premade LJ layout? Did LJ actually come up with something this beautiful AND with bats? This layout is going on my list of things that have made me happy, lol. :D

And the fact that the B:TAS watching made it onto your list is going onto my list, too (if that makes any sense ^-^)-along with the B:TAS watching itself! Woo! Saturday must come faaaster!

Turning trash into crazy awesome design thingies is cool, too! Go experimental AtomiKa workshop, go! The environment loves you. XD

As for requests, um ... Bruce/Clark h/c, please? No rush, though, since I know you're already busy with the magical h/c (which will be posted soon? yes? ^________^)

Also, I hope the hormonal drama clears up swiftly. :S *hates on hormones with you*


Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 18:16:48 UTC
The layout is one of the new LJ Halloween ones! I looovee it! we could be layout twins! lol, it has Bats, I couldn't resist :3 The layout was actually on my list of things that made me happy but it was already running one-too long :P

BtAS watching on Saturdays is something I look forward to all week! it's so much fun :) I'll see you tonight, yes I will :)

My hormonal mess should be back to normal during this week, so I know it's just a matter of time, but grrrr. Everyone gets in my nerves some days...

Let's see if I can keep h/c to a drabble of... less than thousand words proportions, lol. I suck at drabbles! sorry about the double comment! I can't post correctly today, it seems!"Get away from him, Bruce! I don't want to do this." "Yes, yes we want to do this. Maybe we'll kill you both. Two for one. It would be fitting ( ... )


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 19:04:26 UTC
*whimpers* Oh, poor poor Harvey!! *huggles him* And Bruce and Clark!!

"What would a night out with me be without any hospital runs, Clark?" Bruce joked.

Clark stared at the blood on his fingers. Bruce's blood. "A good night."

*glomps them both*

Awesome, Mina!


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:52:36 UTC
Poor, poor Harv! he's.. not well. And he's not going to be very well after shooting Bruce! He loves Bruce, he's just broken :(

Clark was being woobie here, and Bruce as usual was being stubborn and uncaring of his personal safety. I'm having fun! I'm glad you liked it :)


jij October 27 2007, 09:30:59 UTC
I need to see pictures of #5, yes I do!

It's almost time for me to get out my beloved winter coat as well. *squishes happy winter coat*

Um...prompt? Well, I should be original, but...Clark/Bruce and the line "Are you for real?"

*runs away giggling*


Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 15:37:36 UTC
Pictures shall be taken as soon as we finish something :)

Aren't winter coats the beeest??? I love mine! it makes me look really dressed up all the time, lol, and it has big pockets, and it's warm and Highlanderish. There can be only one!

Sorry about the double comment, I messed up!Blue hair, so blue it made the eyes below it sparkle ( ... )


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 19:07:26 UTC
OMG, Bruce and Clark as clowns!!! :D

Besides, the clown suit was really tight and he didn't want anyone to be ogling his boyfriend if he wasn't too.


(BTW, I forgot to say I love your new layout! Bats! Yay! :D)


Re: Invitation for Disaster, PG (395 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:49:14 UTC
Hot clowns, even! I couldn't help it, it was too much fun. Usually it's my Bruce muse who says 'Are you for real?' to Jen's Clark, but te-hee! Clark had a moment of disbelief today :)

I'm glad you like the new layout! I saw it and fell in love with it. I love the colors and the bats! weee!


starsandsea October 27 2007, 19:02:34 UTC

Yay for being a couch potato! :D And turning trash into awesome things!

Oohhh, a prompt. I know what I want to see from you! Some Alan Scott and Bruce interaction, please! :)


Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:43:58 UTC
We'll see how the trash turns out :) I hope it's something cool! in any case, it's good fun :) *glomps back ( ... )


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 20:12:20 UTC
*squees very, very, loudly* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Little Bruce!!! Little Bruce!!!!! *squishes him* So adorable!!!! :D

Grown Ups usually didn't mean what they said or meant other things instead and did things that got them further away from what they really wanted, like that man who tried to be funny and made other people angry or that woman who was really nice to other men but wanted her husband to pay more attention to her.

*glomps Little!Bruce*

Bruce really didn't get them, but he thought that if he looked more at them, someday he would understand. Mother said it was a matter of time, and that she almost hoped he never would, so he would stay her busy little Bee forever.

Little Bee! That's so going in my head cannon now. :D

Bruce wasn't going to be a little Bee forever. He was going to grow up, and then he was going to tell people to stop being silly and everyone would make more sense then.

Yep! You tell them to stop being silly Bruce! :P

Alfred taught him all kinds of names for Grown Up Party food, and Bruce ( ... )


Re: Little Bee's Great Adventure, or, When Alan met Bruce, Part 1. G (855 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 22:18:31 UTC
Little Bruce is adoraaableeee! I'm glad you liked him! I have had the little Bee nickname in my head for a while. In another universe, where Bruce grew up with Tommy (Wayne, Owlman from Earth 2), Tommy called him Buzz and thus mother called him Bee. Oh, I am so self indulgent when it comes to Bruce! :3 I love him so! I'm so glad you like my version of little Bruce too!


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