Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 18:16:48 UTC
The layout is one of the new LJ Halloween ones! I looovee it! we could be layout twins! lol, it has Bats, I couldn't resist :3 The layout was actually on my list of things that made me happy but it was already running one-too long :P

BtAS watching on Saturdays is something I look forward to all week! it's so much fun :) I'll see you tonight, yes I will :)

My hormonal mess should be back to normal during this week, so I know it's just a matter of time, but grrrr. Everyone gets in my nerves some days...

Let's see if I can keep h/c to a drabble of... less than thousand words proportions, lol. I suck at drabbles! sorry about the double comment! I can't post correctly today, it seems!


"Get away from him, Bruce! I don't want to do this." "Yes, yes we want to do this. Maybe we'll kill you both. Two for one. It would be fitting."

The scarred side of the man who used to be Harvey Dent let out a low laugh, while the good side of the man closed his eyes, frowning, trying to control himself. It was a fight Bruce knew he could only win half the time, and he hoped -it hurt, to hope for this- that he would win this one.

It tore his heart apart to see the frown soften and the honey eye of his long time friend open with sadness. He lurched forward, leaving Clark behind him, a quick shove shifting Two Face's aim as he shoot. The bulled wouldn't have hurt Clark, but it had been Harvey Bruce was trying to protect, not Clark. Harvey shouldn't have to carry the guilt of shooting innocent bystanders, even if the bystanders were impervious to bullets.

Bruce failed. Shrieks broke in the ballroom as hot pain pierced his shoulder and he fell over Two Face, wrestling the gun away from him, Clark Kent quickly joining him to restrain the rogue. Police sirens could be hear not far away, and Two Face's thugs tried to shoot them to get them away from the boss. To their eyes, it seemed like they kept missing. Bruce felt the blur of movement as Clark grabbed the bullets aimed their way.

Two Face freed one of his hands and aimed a punch at the bullet wound. Bruce gasped, his vision blurring, as Two Face kept hitting him, fire engulfing his shoulder, blood staining the midnight blue shirt. The police was close enough to smell the fear of the lowlifes Harvey had hired, Clark's reassuring presence nearby. He let go, darkness claiming him.



"All systems online," Bruce muttered. He was lying on the floor, Harvey nowhere in sight, police yellow tape everywhere. "Two Face?"

"On his way to Arkham." Clark's grasp on his hand tightened. "An ambulance about two blocks away, by the sound of it," he whispered, then his voice went a bit higher. "By golly, you scared me, Mr. Wayne. Jumping to fight that madman without warning and all."

"Sorry, Kent. Couldn't have any dead reporters in the party. Bad press for the Wayne Foundation," Bruce answered, feeling as air headed as Brucie Wayne was supposed to be.

Clark's tone lowered again. "I would punch you for that one if I was sure you wouldn't black out again. You didn't have to protect me."

"I wasn't trying to," Bruce smiled, apologetic. "Harvey needed protection more than you did. At least he didn't kill anyone, and I saved us some secret identity trouble."

Clark touched the bloodied shoulder gingerly, shaking his head. "Good save." Azure eyes locked with darker blue. "Next time, run the plan with me? I could offer some alternatives that didn't end with any of us in the hospital."

"What would a night out with me be without any hospital runs, Clark?" Bruce joked.

Clark stared at the blood on his fingers. Bruce's blood. "A good night."

When the ambulance came, Clark climbed in with Bruce, since the other man wouldn't let go of his hand. The paramedics had to make do. Bruce was one hell of a stubborn man, and if he wanted to hold on to Clark, he wasn't going to let go. Clark held to the thought even tighter than to the hand between his.


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) starsandsea October 27 2007, 19:04:26 UTC
*whimpers* Oh, poor poor Harvey!! *huggles him* And Bruce and Clark!!

"What would a night out with me be without any hospital runs, Clark?" Bruce joked.

Clark stared at the blood on his fingers. Bruce's blood. "A good night."

*glomps them both*

Awesome, Mina!


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 27 2007, 19:52:36 UTC
Poor, poor Harv! he's.. not well. And he's not going to be very well after shooting Bruce! He loves Bruce, he's just broken :(

Clark was being woobie here, and Bruce as usual was being stubborn and uncaring of his personal safety. I'm having fun! I'm glad you liked it :)


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) taro_twist October 28 2007, 01:32:33 UTC
we could be layout twins!

LOL. Eee, but I don't want to steal your layout, especially when it fits you so perfectly. :D There's actually a layout over at premade_ljs (this one) that I've been meaning to change mine to for a few months now ... all of that open sky! It makes me think of Clark, but I'm too lazy to try figuring out the CSS to install it, lol ...

Ahh, and your fic! Ahhh! So yummy! You are a master of h/c, sister! And there was even Harvey! Augh, poor Harvey, fighting with himself and trying to protect Bruce from himself, while Bruce is also trying to protect Harvey from himself and the burden he carries. And this line:

It tore his heart apart to see the frown soften and the honey eye of his long time friend open with sadness.

Ohh. :((

Eeep, and Bruce letting go because he knows everyone else is safe! That really got to me, for some reason ... it was like death-fic but minus the death, lol.

And your Bruce is so awesome, even when he's lying half-conscious on the floor:

"All systems online," Bruce muttered.

Eee, he is such a geek to the core! :D

Aww, and poor Clark, being all worried and having to keep up his persona at the same time. Ahh, and Bruce is injured and joking!

"What would a night out with me be without any hospital runs, Clark?" Bruce joked.

Ahhh! Jen's Clark is going to have to get this on tape, lol, so that the next time he's injured and cracking jokes, Bruce can't complain about it anymore. XD

And the ending was the best! The switch to Clark's POV was great ... you do POV switches so seamlessly! And this:

Clark climbed in with Bruce, since the other man wouldn't let go of his hand. The paramedics had to make do. Bruce was one hell of a stubborn man, and if he wanted to hold on to Clark, he wasn't going to let go. Clark held to the thought even tighter than to the hand between his.

The idea of Bruce clinging to Clark just melted my heart. And Clark desperately hoping that Bruce's stubbornness will get him through this all right *wibble*

Wonderful wonderful ficlet, sis! The angst between Harvey and Bruce, the palpable bond between Clark and Bruce *swoons* Love it! :D


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 19:30:36 UTC
That layout with all the open sky is great, Christine! you should totally get it, yes you should! Though the CSS is pretty crazy for me too, maybe you can ask Dan? he's pretty knowledgeable about everything!

I'm very glad you liked th h/c :) I love it so! they always trade roles, though, the hurt one suffers less than the not hurt one, and does the comforting :P

Harvey crawled into this since I'm running away from a death-fic bunny of his. He ants screen time, I don't want to kill him! woe!

Bruce is a total geek. He has played way too much Starcraft for his own good. I suppose my Batman needs 48 hour days to do everything I say he does, but, uh... Starcraft is a good way to learn open field tactics! he.. taught the Robins that way! simulations, yes.

Bruce jokes when he's hurt because, as with any member of the batclan, even if you're bleeding on the floor, he's fine. Doing perfectly fine, yes, Clark is just overreacting. Clark wanted to kick him for cracking jokes :P I'm glad the POV switch worked for you! I questioned it for a while then decided that I liked it so I was going to leave it like that :P I'm very glad you enjoyed it, sis! yay! h/c for the win!


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) jij October 28 2007, 06:16:05 UTC
Woe! *weeps*

But...Clark saying "By golly, Mr. Wayne!" fills me with unreasonable joy, lol. And the end is so adorable, so wonderful...*weeps with mixed angst and joy*

(Kittens can weep! Heroes can only cry, but kittens can weep!)


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:34:29 UTC
LOL! Clark was so angry at Mr. Wayne here for not thinking the plan through! Bruce and Harvey are magnets for woobie, but Bruce loves Clark without the doomy part that ruins him and Harvey, so he was happy to reassure Clark. Funny how whenever we write h/c, the hurt one is really not suffering as much as the other one, and the comfort is usually reversed :P I think that's how this pairing flows, though, since I can write regular h/c for other pairings, but these two just.. do their crazy things.

I love your icon! autumn Clark ftw :)


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Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 18:31:27 UTC
Bruce and Harvey are too woobie for their own good. They just can't stop themselves from it! Their love is doomed! And Bruce loves Clark too, without the doomy part, so he's happy to reassure him everything will be alright. Glad you liked, my queen!


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) bradygirl_12 October 31 2007, 01:50:10 UTC
Aww, Bruce protecting Harvey and Clark all frantic! Very good hurt/comfort here, Mina, especially Bruce not letting go of Clark's hand. :)


Re: Protection, PG (588 words) arch_schatten November 9 2007, 00:47:21 UTC
Bruce is really protective of all around him, and Harvey and Clark rank very high on my list of important people in his life :P I'm glad you enjoyed the h/c! Bruce was trying to reassure Clark, and I hope he succeeded :)


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