Meme stuff

Oct 26, 2007 20:42

I'm stealing these because I asked for more than a bunch of drabbles from other people, so it seems it's only fair to reciprocate.

The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from you. In return, they have to post this meme in their journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.DC fandom, though I can probably ( Read more... )

meme, plot bunny

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A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten October 28 2007, 23:12:41 UTC
We'll get together next weekend at the same place, same time. Just remember to bring your BtAS dvds, and we're set! We're on the Second Season, disc 3 :)

And. Let's see what I can do about the Bruce/J'onn...


"I'm not sure how to go about this," J'onn confessed, unsure. Bruce smiled, trying to be reassuring, but he was sure he came off more predatory than reassuring due the fact that J'onn's careful advances were beyond endearing. That, and it had been some time since he had slept with anyone, let alone anyone he really cared about, and if it wasn't because he wasn't sure how to go about it either, he would be jumping J'onn about now.

"Well, human physiology isn't very complicated as far as pleasure goes, J'onn. I'm sure you're familiar with the basics," Bruce said as he removed the utility belt. He had approached J'onn in his quarters at the Watchtower, unwilling to wait any longer to explore the physical possibilities of his relationship with the Martian. They had slowly, very, very slowly, been moving towards this. Neither of them were men who took rushed decisions.

"Perhaps... a trial run? I am unsure of your preferences, and I--" J'onn cut himself, and if Bruce didn't know better, he would think J'onn was embarrassed. "I would like to have both of us enjoy this as much as possible."

Discarding the armor, Bruce approached J'onn shirtless, his step catlike. "Whatever you think would be best. As I said, humans are pretty base. I'm more interested in seeing what I can do for you."

"I'm empathic, Bruce. Your so called 'base' emotions are pretty contagious," J'onn said, a small smile on his lips. "Physical bonding is entwined with mental bonding for my kind. Are you sure you won't mind?"

"I'm an open book for you as it is, J'onn. If I was afraid of you judging me, we wouldn't be here." Bruce pushed the Martian to the alien looking bed. J'onn had been an artist, a man who created and surrounded himself with beautiful things, and the few items in his quarters were wistful reminders of that life. Bruce hoped he could bring some measure of happiness to his teammate and friend, weird as that sounded. The Batman wasn't known for bringing joy to anyone. "A trial run sounds good to me. Go ahead," he purred, low voice rumbling in his chest. He straddled J'onn's legs as the Martian shapeshifted to his natural form. He ran a hand over olive skin, reveling in the change. It was always rather amazing to see it happen.

J'onn's mind touched his, and Bruce hummed, welcoming the warm presence, his grip on J'onn's arms tightening. J'onn was welcome, J'onn could do anything he wanted, Bruce wasn't afraid, he wanted... he wanted...

The ghost of dark velvet brushed skin, skilled and confident caresses touching him everywhere at the same time, his reminding clothes not a barrier to the sensory tide that grew and then crashed on the shores of his mind. J'onn's voice, low, whispering that he wanted him, what he would do to him, things that Bruce couldn't even understand. He wasn't Martian, he wasn't designed for this, but neither of them could see how that would stop them. Warmth inside the cold places of his heart, sorrow swept away for a moment, cradled in gentle hands that knew of pain and loss. Bruce reached out and caressed J'onn's pain in return, tentatively reaching out with his mind to the telepath. J'onn moaned, a musical sound that Bruce had never heard before, a sound he would treasure forever and which he wanted to hear over and over again. He bit on his lower lip, images flooding his eyes, everything he wanted, everything he could want but could not name, could not speak of.

J'onn would never judge him. J'onn wanted him too. He gasped, undone, and J'onn gently withdrew from his mind, a tendril of comfort remaining.

Bruce opened his eyes, wild with lust and desire, his body aching for touch. "J'onn..." he trailed off, his mouth dry.

"That was... interesting," J'onn said, running his hands down Bruce's back and eliciting a moan from him. "For a trial run."

Bruce laughed. "I think we're going to do just fine." He leaned in to steal a kiss from alien lips, the texture of his skin one he was quickly becoming familiar with. "We'll just need some practice."


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) jij October 29 2007, 05:49:20 UTC
Eeee, this was delicious. And very sexy. I love the feeling of overload that you evoke without dwelling on too heavy-handedly. Wonnnnderful!


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten October 30 2007, 20:30:51 UTC
Thanks kitten! it's.. a pairing I like, but don't dwell much on. I satisfy my J'onn muse by pairing him with Diana most of the time, but hey, any of the trinity members work! they all go well with J'onn :)


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) jij October 31 2007, 06:16:19 UTC
That's because everything goes well with J'onn! He's the basic black of the DCU. :)

J'onn/Booster? J'onn/Jason Todd? Hmmm, I may have to revise my statement.


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten November 9 2007, 02:15:46 UTC
LOL, J'onn as the basic black is.. well, it doesn't work perfectly, but it works well enough. Maybe he's the basic black of the JLA romance? I mean.. J'onn/Booster would be hard to pull, but.. uh.., wait, J'onn/Guy doesn't work either. Anyway, J'onn goes great with the Trinity and Arthur, and that's good enough for me!


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) bradygirl_12 October 31 2007, 01:18:59 UTC
This is really nice, Mina! The alienness of sex with J'onn is fun and exciting! :) And I can totally buy Bruce/J'onn as a couple.


Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten November 9 2007, 00:42:35 UTC
Thank you, El! I really like Bruce/J'onn as a couple, they have a very nice depth to their clam and methodical selves. Makes for good slow burns :)


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Re: A Matter of Practice, PG-15 (705 words) arch_schatten November 9 2007, 00:39:28 UTC
I love you too, Nadia! I'm so glad you liked it! Bruce and J'onn are slow to burn, but once they do.. man, are they fun :3 It was my pleasure to write ;)


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