(FIC) Somewhere to hang the secret identity, Day 1

Sep 24, 2007 00:35

Helloooo!! I have a silly story to share. I'm breaking the writer's block of the plotty stories that doesn't let me finish anything and has me second guessing every sentence. I love crack. I will be here tomorrow to post more!

Fandom: DCU
Series: Somewhere to hang the secret identity
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Rating: PG
Summary: Bruce and ( Read more... )

secret identity, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, dc, pre-slash

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Comments 23

cmer September 24 2007, 07:14:15 UTC

That's all I have for this fic. And you.


This has probably been one of the most entertaining fics I've read in ages. When I read the summary, I was smiling. When I began reading the fic, I was grinning and giggling.

OMG, Miiiiina, this was SO cute! And I'll bet Bruce was pleasantly surprised to see that Alan pwns (heh, he used PWN! I love the geeky words you used here too!) Superman. Bwhahaha!

I can't wait to read the rest. Post part two now, please? You do have more to write, this isn't just a one-shot, right? *clings to you*

Again, cannot stress this enough: LOVE.


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:25:32 UTC
*grins madly* Yay! I'm really glad you liked this so much, Tina! I'm just playing around with the format and enjoying the boys being silly. I kind of really wanted to move them on to IMs quickly, but I'm getting in love with the time pass between mails...

Bruce is a geek! he uses geek words and reverts to acronyms when he's tired. Clark will probably get on his case about his lack of proper punctuation. Everything is a non sequitur with Bruce :P Also, Alan rocks! Alan loves all the children, and Bruce fanboys him.

I posted the next part just now :) I'm trying to write daily, if possible, but it's definitely not an one shot! Thank you so much for the love, Tina! *loves back a lot*


jij September 24 2007, 09:47:33 UTC

You post some of this again tomorrow and I'll be the happiest little fangirl in the known universe.

I love all the little touches like Bruce sending the first one without a subject (so Bruce!) and the way Clark shifts the subjects to shift the mood of the conversation.

The hanger! I covet the hangerrrrr! Alan Scott owns some of Superman! Of course he does!

You write me to show me a Superman hanger and to tell me you like pretty things?

I love your befuddled-but-game Clark so much, I do. He just wants to get more emails and see them in his inbox, and as long as he keeps Bruce talking he's happy!

A good watch is better than sex, Clark. …better than mediocre sex, at least. You know how I like things. Elegant, sleek, clean lines… yeah. I like pretty things.

Oh Bruce. Your Bruce, and his oblique ways of declaring his passion, is so full of win. I love him forever.

Does that mean you’re not buying me dinner anymore?

This is an important question! I am on pins and needles to know the answer!


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:30:53 UTC
*glomps* I did manage to write tonight! I am so proud of myself! so proud! *dances*

Thank you so much for the typo catch and the encouragement and the help! oh, kitten. What would this Mina do without you? *glomps*

Bruce doesn't write subjects for mails. He also doesn't care about commas much. Or stringing together sequential lines. I'm not good enough to make them write much differently, but I had fun figuring out the way they do some things different :)

The hanger!! we must get that hangeeeer! *covets it* Alan owns a bit of everyone. That's how cool he is :)

Clark doesn't mind that Bruce makes no sense sometimes, but he likes to tease Mr. Logic with it. It makes perfect sense for Bruce's Logic, obviously is Clark that is broken! And Bruce was being very passionate about the way he liked the world, in a sort of muted off-handed way. He's weird. I think he was secretly also referring to Clark, but he's not sure.

Of course Bruce will buy him dinner! question is *when*...


dshael September 24 2007, 10:50:12 UTC
AWWW! They are so cute and sweet and funny and NICE to each other. I want to tackle them both and smoosh them together. :D


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:20:06 UTC
Being nice is very important in my book! Bruce isn't very good at niceties, but they are pretty used to each other by now. Also, he's not a troglodyte in my book, so yeah! nice! *pets them* They are behaving very well and I'm enjoying playing with this a lot. I'm really glad you liked! *smooshes them together* XD


rocaw September 24 2007, 16:05:35 UTC
I'm grinning like mad! That was SO cute!! =)


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:18:22 UTC
Yay! thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed! I'm having a lot of fun with it :)


vespa331 September 24 2007, 17:30:12 UTC
Ha, I like both you and Jen running with a theme. :D

A good watch is better than sex, Clark
I love you.

Alan Scott is a businessman? I know nothing of these things. Cute of him to pick up Bruce's slack.


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:17:47 UTC
I poach off Jen lots :P We talk silly bunnies and then I guess we can't help writing them! ..though, last silly bunny we discussed was Brex being domestic and adopting all the kids of Titans East. It was a crack mocking bunny! ..I am so tempted by it!

And the watch line was all you. I was talking with you about them, Bruce latched onto it :)

Alan Scott is indeed a businessman. ...kind of half the DCU is, lol. Don't know what he doest atm, but he used to be a very big name industrialist in Gotham, I think.

Alan picks up on everyone's slack. He wrote the rules. He invented the game. He takes care of all the children.

Yeah, Alan rocks.


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