(FIC) Somewhere to hang the secret identity, Day 1

Sep 24, 2007 00:35

Helloooo!! I have a silly story to share. I'm breaking the writer's block of the plotty stories that doesn't let me finish anything and has me second guessing every sentence. I love crack. I will be here tomorrow to post more!

Fandom: DCU
Series: Somewhere to hang the secret identity
Pairing: Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent
Rating: PG
Summary: Bruce and ( Read more... )

secret identity, fic, clark kent, bruce wayne, dc, pre-slash

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Comments 23

starsandsea September 24 2007, 18:55:53 UTC
*squees* OMG! I loved it! :D

I love your Clark and Bruce to little itty bitty pieces!

I just got in, haven’t gone to bed yet. Will do soon. Had a good night, thus I write you to share the rare occurrence of me being in a good mood at 9 am. Very rare indeed.

*giggles* *pets Bruce*

You are the crown piece of an oddity collector’s collection. That’s how odd. You like pretty things? You write me to show me a Superman hanger and to tell me you like pretty things?

*giggles again*

How can I ignore the mind control when you always try to kill me? We gotta talk about that.

LOL! Yes, they have!

Metascene is a dummy corp of…

You not gonna believe me.

Alan Scott.


Can’t believe Alan owns Superman. That’s… who wants to disappoint Alan? Should Superman endorse his company? Should I talk with him? I don’t know why Superman hadn’t bothered to check the owner of the rights, what should I do? B! Fix this!!

*pets Clark while giggling*

This was wonderful! I loved it soooo much! :D More! More! There has to beee mooreee!!!


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:13:42 UTC
Weee! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Star! And I'm so happy to hear you like my Bruce and Clark here! they are behaving very nicely, it's very fun to play with them :)

Bruce is not a morning person, and Clark spends a lot of time wondering what is the crazy person talking about. Bruce is... odd. My Bruce and my Batman are rather different from each other, so if you're used to dealing with just Bats.. Bruce seems like a freak.

They do some mind control talking on the next one! I hope I made sense...

I have more! I'm trying to keep it daily, even if it's short. It's better than just looking at the blank pages wondering where the ideas are at :P Thank you for reading, Star! I'm glad you liked it!


damos September 24 2007, 23:32:39 UTC

This is wonderful, Mina. The interplay between the Bruce and Clark is delightfully teasing and snarky. And Alan Scott... Tricksy, tricksy GL.


arch_schatten September 25 2007, 06:02:47 UTC
Hey Dan! *glomps* I'm glad you liked! I am having lots of fun. It's probably quite OOC, but you know how much I really don't care about that when I'm having fun! :)

Alan Scott invented the game. He cannot be out-tricked. All hail Alan, greatest GL ever!


taro_twist September 25 2007, 19:41:26 UTC
OMG OMG OMG OMG, soooo awesome! I love all the little details, like the subject lines and Bruce using Gmail (and "B" cubed ... Batman, Bruce ... and Brucie? lol? That's so cute and nerdy *grin*).

And you used the Superman hangers!!!! *high fives* Ahhh, Bruce would totally use them!

Can’t find any for mine. Think I should patent them?

Yes, Bruce needs to make Bat hangers and give them to Clark!!!!

And he would totally look at design spotters. He's Bruce frickin' Wayne, Gotham's most eligible and stylish bachelor, of course he must keep up with the cutting edge of fashion and design. *grin* And he likes pretty things! He emails Clark about Superman hangers and says he likes pretty things!!!!! *squee* And I loved his rambling about clothes and accessories and shoes and watches ...

Oh, Clark, if you knew how much I like shoes. I know it sounds ridiculous. You already know my penchant for… accessories, so to speak. Watches. A good watch is better than sex, Clark. …better than mediocre sex, at least.


Elegant, sleek ( ... )


arch_schatten September 26 2007, 22:48:17 UTC
Tehee! I'm glad you like this, sis! B cubed stands for either Bruce-Batman-Brucie or Big Bad Bat. Which is silly, but I couldn't think of a better user name!

*high fives* The Superman hangers was how I found designspotter in the first place! Marcela saw them and sent me the link, and I fell in love with the site.. and, you know. Superman Hangers! they needed fic :)

I so want Bat hangers. I cult try to cut some in carpentry...

of course he must keep up with the cutting edge of fashion and design.LOL, I know!! That's what I keep telling myself. He's Bruce Wayne, this is in no way outrageous for him! he would totally spend lots of money on fashionable hangers :P ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

arch_schatten September 26 2007, 22:51:28 UTC

Yeah, I'm back on track. The muses are catching momentum, maybe I'll get to the damn stories that got me stuck soon. This one is lots of fun, though! I'm glad you're enjoying my crack trips! You won't have to wait for long for bits of this story :)


saavikam77 October 2 2007, 01:47:44 UTC
Oh, this is just *too* awesome! ^_^ I think you officially win at life for this fic.

Bruce's continued insistence that he likes pretty things is just hilarious. :p It's like Gollum, with MY PRECIOUS! O_O LMAO... ^_^

Off to the next!!


arch_schatten October 2 2007, 04:01:50 UTC
Thank you! *feels like a winner* :D

Bruce likes pretty things. He doesn't know how to put it more clearly, but Clark isn't getting the clues! ...I guess Bruce doesn't know what's he's really talking about either.

LOL, my precious! Oh, yes. I can see my Bruce-muse going Gollum over shoes. Maybe they should go she shopping together... (I really don't write much heroics even though they are super heroes, do I?)

Glad you liked it! thanks for stopping by!


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