I haven't made a personal post in a while, so I thought maybe I should? I'm doing okay! I am so behind with fb you guys wouldn't imagine :/ I'm sorry! I've read some wonderful stories lately and I have yet to gush about them! though I feel like I should tell you to go gush on
Midnight Sun which is everything h/c ought to be!! I love it so! <3
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Comments 18
I'm an architect indeed! things are going good right now, but I really need to settle down the business and get all the proper papers and stuff, which is a pretty big investment. Thing is, I can see why there's so much informal commerce now, it's too expensive to get into the system.
Thank youuu for the vote of confidence! I know we're going to get this back under control, get the country back in control. I know this can't go on forever. Keep up the good work, yeah!
Glad you're busy with work! I'm sure it sucks working so hard, but like you said, experience!
Work has been good! I hope it keeps growing steadier! It's a lot of new things, but I've been handling them not too badly, so.. fun! :)
I think it's probably wise for you to avoid going to Arizona. Even though of course you would be there legally, I'm afraid you would get harassed by police. The mayor of San Francisco has banned all travel to Arizona by city workers! Go San Francisco! My cousin and John (my Bruce Wayne friend-with-benefits) both live in Arizona, but I won't go visit them until the stupid law is repealed. I refuse to give Arizona my money! Economic sanctions FTW! Of course, if going to the University of Arizona is really important to you, I don't want to say you should give up on your dreams... It's a hard choice >_<
I'm not saying that didn't matter, just, you know, it was 3 deaths against the 4000 we have had this year, and everyone turned to look at us like we're somehow responsible for not looking after the borderline.While I agree that people only freaking out when Americans are killed is horribly racist and nationalistic, the one good thing about it is that people in the US are now much more aware of what's going in Chihuahua ( ... )
Good deal about possibilities! Glad Queen was good! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the July elections! And sorry about the bride and groomzillas! :)
Don't worry about commenting on Midnight Sun and thanks so much for the feedback here! I'm so very glad you liked and thanks so much for saying so! (I hope to have another chapter up this coming week, if real life lets me get the thing finished.) I wish I didn't write so slow and have so many other commitments!
Hugs to you, too!!
Good luck with the wedding dresses! Argh, that must be so stressful. And its such good news with the work you are getting! Well, not good news that its eating up all your time, but it's really good! Go Mina! :D
The orchestral tribute to Queen sounds awesome. I hope you enjoyed it, and please, stay safe. *hugs tightly*
The dresses! I still don't have any of them! D: Dannggg! and work is going good! I'm sorry I'm so late replying, work made this past month be completely insane.. but it's been fun! and educational! so I hope things continue to pick up :D
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